A content mod with a new survivor, Custodian (fully multiplayer compatible), and a handful of items0.4.2
- damagesource fix
- fixed error with fabinhoru's dagger
- fixed errors and inconsistent behavior with Custodian m2 spiking stationary enemies
- fixed Custodian m2 not spiking certain modded enemies (potmobile, frost wisp, probably others)
- added French (thanks StyleMyk!)
- added Chinese (simpliifed) (thanks Meteorite1014!)
- previously added Russian but never mentioned it (thanks HEXXEDUDE!)
- fixed for sots
- Custodian's flow now plays a unique jingle based on each stage
- huge thanks to NAIRB for the idea and for creating all the jingles!
- Added a volume slider for Flow jingles, use Risk of Options to see it
- Added config to mute Flow jingles completely
- fixed flow jingle persisting between stages
- heavily reduced attack speed slow on gravity'd enemies
- reduced hitstop on m1, hopefully combatting the amount of times an air jump is eaten during hitstop
- buffed spike impact damage per meter fell (0.32 -> 0.36), spike impact now has sweetspot falloff
- spike configs were reset
- damage was conservative because spiking a group of enemies would stack way too quickly. now with damage falloff each spike can afford to do more damage
- 4% might not seem like much but it's for every meter fallen. this could get crazy. let me know how it feels
- Added Blast Boot (wip, disabled for now)
- Fabinhoru's dagger fixed to its actual description
- no longer stacks on every hit. now applies [itemcount] amount of stacks, and repeated hits just refresh this stack amount.
- also stacks were previously only increasing duration, which was dumb
- removed giant portal from enigmatic keycard projectile spawn, toned down impact effect
- decoupled english from language file. damage numbers and stuff should update based on config now (after restart)
- null checks galore. hopefully fixed errors from glass harvester, enigmatic keycard, and fabinhoru's dagger
- fixed bismuth earrings not properly adding barrier on applying bleed
- added Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks Kauzok!)
- all items are now in their proper tiers
- including broken glass harvester, removing it from the item pool
- added per-item configs
- added animations for MAID
- added config to disable jingle when activating flow
- Bismuth Earrings reworked
- Glass harvester reworked
- fixed wyatt becoming eldritch aboniation when emoting
- fixed issues with fabinhoru's dagger visuals
- fixed error caused fabinhoru's dagger and/or enigmatic keycard
- redid the whole fuckin thing.