Adds a recent punch speed list, your grapple duration, current speed text, a velocity vector indicator, and fixes some clientside bugs. Configurable- 1.1.1
- sots fix
- moved config
- 1.1.0
- Fixed a vanilla bug where grapple length would get reduced by network latency
- Fixed a vanilla issue where Loader's crosshair didnt indicate to its full potential range
- Added some improvements to Loader crosshair overriding
- Added RiskOfOptions support
- Created a Vector2 window for RiskOfOptions
- Fixed SpeedText size at extreme speeds
- Fixed GrappleEnergy height over bottomless pits
- Modified a couple config entries
- 1.0.6
- Fixed PunchText displaying multiple hits if a punch hit multiple enemies
- 1.0.5
- Added grapple length and energy text
- Changed SpeedText default position
- Fixed hud elements persisting between deaths and specating change targets
- 1.0.4
- Fixed hud elements persisting between deaths and specating change targets
- 1.0.3
- Made vector icon color scaling slower
- Should now be able to view spectated loaders speed and velocity vector
- Added config option for angle linger duration after punching in SpeedTextHud
- 1.0.2
- Disabled a debug message
- 1.0.1
- Added an option to disable Loader's sprint crosshair
- GrappleDurationHud now displays on spectated Loaders
- Velocity Vector Icon now changes color based on your look direction
- Added a SpeedText display
- Added configuration options for the aboves