Sawmerang modifications

  • Changes the shader of Sawmerang so that it draws on top of other objects.
  • Disables occlusion culling for Sawmerangs. Combined with shader change will make saws always visible.
  • Tracks current saw count and highest bleed stack and displays it at bottom left of screen. Highest bleed stack count resets whenever hud is destroyed.
  • Optionally, adds a positional indicator icon to saws. This draws on the ui, so it will always be visible, even when the model is hidden. Disabled by default.
  • Fixes a vanilla bug where sawmerangs would not apply bleed if Sawmerang was not the owner's active equipment (Retool Mult).

Configuration Options

The command seesaw_reloadconfig lets you reload configuration in-game.

  • Toggle:
    • Shader change
    • Occulsion culling
    • Add indicator
    • Saw counting
    • Bleed tracking
  • Values:
    • Position of saw and bleed text
    • Font size of saw and bleed text
    • Icon size
    • Icon color
    • image of icon
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