Add progression to your runs with skill upgrades (+SOTS support!)Changelog
What's new in 6.0.1
- Re-added configs with support for Risk of Options (sorry controller bros .., looking into how extra skill slots adds controller support!)
- Fixed a bug where skill upgrades wouldn't stay until re-upgraded on the next stage
- Fixed Arti's Snapfreeze upgrade not doing anything
What's new in 0.6.0
- Updated for Seekers of the Storm! (Expect some bugs (again))
- Fixed incorrect scaling for MUL-T causing his dash to deal 4x damage
- Added new upgrade for MUL-T's Power Mode
- SOTS survivor support is yet to be added
What's new in 0.5.0
Updated the way the mod finds the names of skills to hopefully alleviate future problems with implementing new skills. (For modders: Skill Names now finds the Object.Name of the SkillDef rather than skilldef.skillname. If your mod was using different names for those two, please update your Skills++ integration to use the correct name.)
Fixed an error that prevented Engi's turrets from getting their buffs.
Fixed some tooltip issues regarding Huntress' second utility skill and Void Fiend picking up Acrid's tooltips by mistake.
Added Not Yet Implemented messages to the unsupported vanilla skills to reduce confusion.
What's new in 0.4.5
- Added more protection against NullReferenceErrors and added error logging to some to track the issue.
What's new in 0.4.3
- Added a missing setting for Buy Skills to disable the input block when buying
What's new in 0.4.2
- Extended support for Buy Skill key to Keyboard+Mouse (as well as enabling the VR version)
- Fixed Railgunner's Supercharge cooldown issue with some mods
- Fixed Captain not being able to hack after level 6 in Linear Mult mode
- Captain's Supply Drop now properly show its range before dropping
- Fixed Captain's Diablo cooldown not returning to normal on repeat games
What's new in 0.4.1
- Railgunner support!
- Changed how Captain's Diablo Missile' cooldown is calculated
- Fixed an issue with Huntress blinking endlessly when Zet mods is present
- Fixed an issue with Loader gaining 10x the amount of damage expected with Thunderslam
- Fixed an issue with buffs not being applied and their icons not working
What's new in 0.4.0
- Survivors of the Void update! (Expect some bugs)
- Mod has been stabilized for SotV but new content will come in 0.4.1
What's new in 0.3.1
- [ExtendedLoadout] ( Support!
- Reworked Commando's Tactical Slide from granting an attack speed buff to converting movement speed into attack speed, damage and armor while sliding.
What's new in 0.3.0
- Heretic support is here!
- Fixed issues caused by changing character mid-run. (Artifact of Metamorphosis, Heretic, Guren Lagann, etc.)
- Fixed a bug where some aspects of skills wouldn't look at the correct skill's level to determine their power.
What's new in 0.2.5 to 0.2.8
- 0.2.5 = Makes the mod functional (unlike 0.2.4)
- 0.2.6 = Removes logging used to fix 0.2.4
- 0.2.7 = Fixes Multiplayer
- 0.2.8 = Corrects some skills' bonuses.
What's new in 0.2.4
- Added support for Captain's Diablo Strike, Mercenary's Focused Assault, REX's Directive: Harvest, and Loader's Thunderslam.
- Added new setting to use Linear Multipliers rather than exponentials.
What's new in 0.2.3
- Bandit support. Full credit to Volvary, Risk of Rain 2 modding discord and send them some love.
- Updated R2API dependancy to 3.0.30
- Improved mod support for third party skill upgrades
Version 0.2.2
- Updated to work with the RoR2 anniversary update
- Updated R2API and BepInEx depenancies
- Readded upgrade descriptions to README
Version 0.2.1
- Added skill upgrade for Strides of Heresy item
- Added ingame skill upgrade descriptions as tooltips on skills
- Added defensive checks to prevent NPE when the player's character is unloaded
- Changed Artificer's Nano Bomb to have the blast size of the bomb increased with levels invested.
- Removed Artificer's Nano Spear scaling of charge time
Version 0.2.0
- Added mutliplayer support
Version 0.1.5
- Refactored internal code to make in more stable for future development
- Fixed mercenary's primary attack not upgrading
- Fixed REX's
andBramble Volley
skills pulling enemies instead of pushing them away when the skill is levelled up - Fixed upgrading MUL-T's
Rebar Puncher
not affecting the rate of fire. - Fixed support for rob's Aatrox
- Fixed Hungering Gaze having insanely high scaling.
Version 0.1.4
- Added Captain upgrades. All vanilla characters are now done!!!!
- Added upgrades for Hungering Gaze. It was a stink one to pick up Visions of Heresy and lose upgrades. They now transfer onto the item.
- Fixed REX's primary fire having too much spread. The base value has reduced back to normal.
- Fixed Huntress's flurry to fire the arrows faster before the ability is cancels.
- Added extra time to Huntress's ballista so the player has more time to take aim and fire all shots.
Version 0.1.3
- Added REX upgrades
- Added ingame setting to change the levels between skill points
- Updated R2API dependancy to 2.5.7
Version 0.1.2
- Removed need for Rewired MonoMod dlls
Version 0.1.1
- Added instructions for console command usage
Version 0.1.0
- Fixed mod to work with changes in the game's 1.0.0 release.
- Added support for controllers to spend skill points. Button is rebindable in gamepad options.
- Added support for other modded characters to integrate with Skills++.
- Added console command to disable Skills++ for chosen survivors. This is for all of the Sniper players out there.
- Removed limits on upgrading skills.
- Reduced the rate of acquiring skill points to one per 5 levels.
- Changed percentage/multiplication compound the scaling. As an adjustment some scalings have been pulled back to compensate.
- Removed Blinding Assault cooldown reduction now the mechanism is core to Mercenary's loadout.
- Changed UI to show the upgrades as a number rather than as multiple '+' symbols
- Removed MUL-T's swap duration reduction scaling in favour of a new equipment cooldown buff.
Version 0.1.0-rc1
- Prelease of public API for modded character support
Version 0.0.11
- Added upgrades for Loader
- Improved readme's mod usage section with images.
- Added FAQ section to readme
Bug fixes:
- #31 - Fixed Mercenary's eviscerate not applying upgrades
- #33 - Fixed Acrid's caustic leap ability having only one charge instead of two.
Version 0.0.10
- Added upgrades for Mercenary
- Replaced
bounce damage from Huntress's Glaive skill with+10%
flat damage bonus. The bonus damage per bounce made the skill far to over powered as the skill levelled up. - Added support across the remaining characters for Classic Items's scepter item
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a null pointer happening on launch
Version 0.0.9
- Added upgrades for all of Acrid's abilities
Bug fixes:
- #28 - Improved mod compatibility for engi's turrets when using Classic Items
Version 0.0.8
- Removed Engi's thermal harpoon target paint duration per missile
- Added
targetting range to Engi's thermal harpoon
Bug fixes:
Version 0.0.7
- Added MULT skill upgrades
Bug fixes:
- #19 - Fixed Huntress's arrow rain not dealing any damage
- Fixed robustness of upgrade icons showing for the correct skills
Version 0.0.6
- Added Engineer's skill upgrades
- Buffed Commando's Double tap rate of fire bonus.
- Nerfed Huntress's glaive bound bonus from
per level - Added
damage to Artificer's Nano-nomb and Nano-spear. Needed more power than just longer charge time - Buffed Artificer's Flame bolt and Plasma bolt to recharge slightly faster per level
Bug fixes:
- #13, #14 - Fixed bug where travelling to the Bazaar or Void Plains would reverts the character's loadout to defaults.
Version 0.0.5
- Released Commando's skill upgrade kit
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where Huntress's flurry wouldn't fire the correct number of arrows when critting.
- #12 - Fixed Artificer's flamethrower dealign 1 damage per tick and not scaling with upgrades purchased.
Version 0.0.4
- Completed upgrade paths for all Huntress abilities
- Improved internal skill upgrade API to support character buffing
Version 0.0.3
- Released upgrade paths for all Artificer abilities.
- Refactored mechism for applying upgrades to abilities. Will make future work easier and much more powerful.
Bug Fixes:
- Removed upgrading for Commando's tactical roll since there is no upgrade path yet
Version 0.0.2
Bug fixes:
- #1 - Fixed host in multiplayer games not being able to buy upgrades
- #2 - Fixed MUL-T, and Acrid characters not selecting correctly in character select screen
- #3 - Fixed Commando's special ability diplaying the wring description
- Fixed some skill upgrades carrying over between runs
- Cleaned up print statements
Version 0.0.1
Initial release of mod