!! NOTICE !!

this mod is part of a port of TheMysticSword's family of MIT-Licensed mods for SotS. This will be taken down(deprecated) once mystic comes back and wishes to continue the project herself.

Rising Tides

New threats are on the horizon! Do you have what it takes to turn the tide?

New Elites

Magnetic and Nocturnal elites

Watch out for your life... and your pockets!
Magnetic elites will drain your gold if you get too close to them, and drop only a portion of their money on death. Getting hit by one will send you straight down if you're mid-air!
Meanwhile, Nocturnal elites, chasing like a shadow if left unharmed, will blind you on hit.

And that's not the end of it all - once you enter the first loop of your journey, Aquamarine, Bismuth, Onyx, Realgar and Phenakite elites will step in to try to stop you!

Some of the loop elites

New Enemy

Two Mother Mushrums

An addition to the Mushrum family - the Mother Mushrum!
This enemy periodically emits little spores, dealing damage on contact with players and allies... and healing targets on contact with enemies!
Despite its stationary behaviour, getting too far away will make the Mother Mushrum burrow into the ground and appear right beside you again!


TheMysticSword - Coding
Marwan60 - Mother Mushrum idea, model and animations; Aquamarine and Onyx elite ideas


Brazilian Portuguese - Kauzok

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