Adds new elites and a new enemy!1.2.3
- sfx now takes volume into account
- adjusted volumes
- fixes for SotS
- Added a new Tier 2 Phenakite elite
- Increased Mother Mushrum spore damage
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Kauzok
- Fixed Nocturnal crown having collision
- Potentially fixed Mother Mushrum spores not moving for clients in co-op
- Fixed Voidsent Flame repeatedly triggering on Bismuth elites until they lose barrier
- Increased Mother Mushrum's base health to compensate for its stationary behaviour
- Becoming a Bismuth elite now always refills barrier, instead of having your barrier filled only once per stage
- This should make stealing this effect with Wake of Vultures less harmful
- Fixed Bismuth reducing taken damage even without barrier
- Added a few failsafes for Aquamarine enemies to become vulnerable to avoid permanently unkillable Hordes of Many
- Added Realgar elites
- Fixed Onyx's on-use detonation dealing 100x more damage than it should
- Fixed some of Onyx's on-use detonation effects appearing only for the host
- Added a new Enabled Elites config section
- Added a config
- The elites now deal the same damage as vanilla ones, respective to their tiers
- Can be reverted by changing the Damage Boost Coefficient for each elite in the config. Alternatively, you can use the Mystic's Reworks mod to disable elite damage multipliers for both modded and vanilla elites.
- Bismuth elites now have a darker health bar to make the barrier bar stand out more
- Renamed Carer Mushrum to Mother Mushrum
- Fixed Mother Mushrum not being networked
- Fixed Mother Mushrum not spawning
- Release