Lemur Fusion

Makes your lemurians fuse together like dragonball!


Found Bug or Have Suggestions?


  • Set the number of lemur buddies you want and trying to summon any more than that will juice up the existing fellows.

  • Designed to be a full scale rework but still compatible with all other mods

  • Cracked af AI! Uses predictive aiming, actively dodges, strafes and jumps projectiles while continuing to fight back.

  • Rebalancing of stats and scaling for better survivability later on.

  • Stat multipliers per fusion, similar to dronemeld, while still retaining the vanilla HP and damage buffs that they would get on evolution.

  • Supports any modded elites!

  • Fully supports RiskyMod Ally changes!

  • Lemurians will switch between the various high tier elite types once they are fully evolved.

  • Fully functional and configurable scoreboard entry for all the lemurs you control.

  • Lemurians will drop their tributed items on death and will remove their contribution to the shared inventory on death.

  • Death mechanics and tribute blacklist are fully configurable.

  • Lemurians can use the vanilla shared inventory or have an inventory entirely to themselves.

  • ... And much, much more! Nearly all features are configurable.


  • Overlap attack dodging (for Mithrix specifically)

  • Multiple elite types on a single guy.

  • Resize Lemur buddies based on fusion count

Config Options

  • !!! Subject to Change, this list may not be entirely accurate.

  • Total number of lemur buddies you can have

  • Disable fall damage and void insta-kill death

  • Improve AI with predictive aiming and projectile dodging

  • Projectile dodging settings for refining the AI

  • Stat Rebalancing and Stat Increase Per Fusion

  • Teleport to owner distance

  • Minion scoreboard

  • Revert to Egg On Death

  • Items to Drop on Death

  • Tributed Item Blacklist

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