Fixes some bugs1.2.8
- Changed false to true in OnBossGroupDefeated
- ugh
- Goodbye tank, no longer need fixing
- Thats the last of the mod compats yay!
- Goodbye tyranitar, no longer need fixing
- Goodbye hunk, no longer need fixing
- Goodbye rifter, no longer need fixing
- Skip call to DotController.GetDotDef from new Noxious Thorns that existed for the sole purpose of throwing index out of bounds exceptions...
- This was vanilla, probably some partially commented out code or something idk
- Fixed FreeItemOnLevelup hook
- Updated changelog for previous patch
Added a big group of changes, thanks to Chinchi
* EvisDash.FixedUpdate
- Merc eviserate no longer targets allies
* Duplicating.DropDroplet
- Printers use vfx again
* DetachParticleOnDestroyAndEndEmission.OnDisable
- Particle systems dont unparent inactive children
* PositionIndicator.UpdatePositions
- Position indicator NRE when hud is disabled
* Indicator.SetVisibleInternal
- IL only rewrite
* CrosshairOverrideBehavior.OnDestroy
- Collection modified error
* RuleChoiceController.FindNetworkUser
- Quit to menu event system nre
* RewiredIntegrationManager.RefreshJoystickAssignment
- No rewired input on quitout
* Frolic.TeleportAroundPlayer
- Handles teleport with no available nodes
* BurnEffectController.HandleDestroy
- Prevents engine call on destroyed object
* MeridianEventTriggerInteraction.Awake
- Fixes test state spam
* DamageIndicator.Awake
- Loads asset into the main menu camera's damageindicator
- Additionally added a ton of safeguards against calling server methods on client, instead of just letting those calls go through.
- Fixes sale star collider being incorrectly configured
Now onto my own fixes...
Mods using the old TemporaryOverlay component will now properly initialize the new TempOverlayInstance
Antler NREs are all gone now, sheesh
- ElusiveAntlersPickup.Start, CharacterBody.OnShardDestroyed, ElusiveAntlersPickup.FixedUpdate
Mysterious RouletteChestController.Idle NRE
Minionleash OnDisable NRE
ProjectileController.Start nre without ghost
ProcessGoldEvent nre
FreeItemOnLevelUp called on obj with null inventory
Vineorb onArrival
BossGroup Ondefeated calling event with no run instance
Remove light flicker thing cuz ss2 is good now.
- I still earn my keep by fixing the TetherVfxOrigin calling a null event.
- Also fixed the flashbang menu scene
- Thanks for continuing to boost my download count ily ss2 devs <3
Made the Rifter fix actually fix Rifter
Todo: update readme but euuuugh
- Forgot to make a hook actually do stuff
Welcome Rifter to the club of mod fixes!
Fixes a couple common errors
Adjusts primary proc co-efficient to 1.0
Fixed tether nre when invoking an event
Tank: Fixed particles on genesis loop
Tank: Enable overlays on renderers only if theyre enabled
Updated readme to reflect all changes
Added mod specific config options
- Tank utility gives fuel again
- Added new optimization config option for tank
- Tank no longer tanks fps hooray!
- Default is disabled in case of bugs.
- Fixed tank save bug hooray!
- Removed damage indicator "fix" because it broke stuff when it didnt break lol
- Fixed the stupid SceneDirector.PopulateScene exception that the new stage 1 has
- Why are they using the wrong spawn cards
- Why is the nullchecking so inconsistent
- Why
- Fixed the fix for Hunk TVirus
- Moved stuff around
- Added git repo
- Fixed damage indicator startup exception
- Actually fixed the previously mentioned CheesePlayerHandler error
- Fixed incompletable void seed bug
- Fixed GoldenCoast chest interaction error
- Fixed more CheesePlayerHandler errors
- Fixed Hunk Urostep
- Fixed Celestial War Tank duplicating crosshair bug
- Fixed Celestial War Tank CheesePlayerHandler spam on stage start
- Adjusted some metadata
- Corrected mistake made with the tyranitar rock fix
- Fixed Steamworks loading error
- Prevented (harmless) exception when loading without Hunk
- Fixed some more vanilla bugs
- Added mod specific fixes for Hunk and Tyranitar
- Initial release