A few tweaks to modify the game to the Allegiant Games community's style.AG Tweaks
AG Tweaks Currently:
- makes feathers drop from Birch and Oak more
- makes Queen bees drop from Birch and Oak
- makes birds have a chance to drop more feathers
- modifies the bronze recipes to:
- 1 copper, 1 tin = 1 bronze
- 4 copper, 2 tin = 4 bronze.
- modifies weather so clear skies is more frequent and fog is less frequent
- Greydwarfs drop Core Wood
- Greydwarf Shamen drops Core Wood
- Greydwarf Shamen drops Pukeberries less often
- Brutes drop Core Wood
- Brutes drop Ancient Seeds less often
- Gjalls drop Soft Tissue
- Wolf meat was exchanged for Hare meat in meat platter.
- Stonecutter now requires bronze to build instead of iron
- Blackforge and Mortar and Pestle are now required to be near the Artisan Table to build
- actually included the correct dll this time
- Stonecutter requires bronze
- Sharpening stone needs iron nails to craft
- changed crafting station on Blackforge to Artisan Table
- changed crafting station on Mortar and Pestle to Artisan Table
- Fixed Gjalls not dropping trophies
- Added AG Silver Token
- Fixed AG Hammer Upgrade/Repair Issue
- Removed Enhanced Sap
- Added Build Hammer Prize
- Lowered queen bee drops
- Lowered chance of tree Seeds
- Lowered chance of rain and thunderstorms
- Removed honey drop from Brutes because spawners exist making beehives irrelevant
- Lowered queen bee drops again
- Lowered chance of tree Seeds
- Lowered chance of core wood drops
- Raised chance of clear skies
- Substituted wolf meat for hare meat in meat platter
- Eitr requires Enhanced Sap
- Enhanced Sap was added
- Removed Logging information
- Lowered queen bee drops slightly
- lowered chance of misty weather slightly
- Added Greydwarf drops
- Added Gjall Drops
- Weather tweaks
- Initial Upload