You have one life. All save files from the character you are playing will be deleted upon death. Optionally also deletes the world upon death.Summary
You have one life. All save files from the character you are playing will be deleted upon death.
- You can enable and disable the mod in the configs. This is important in case you switch to a character you do not wish to get deleted upon death!
- There is an option in the configs to determine if the backup files should also be deleted. By default, the backup files are deleted.
- There is also an option in the configs to delete the world upon death. Disabled by default. Should not work in multi-player.
- There is yet another option in the configs to escape death when receiving a last blow, which can only be triggered once in a while.
... and yes, it has been fully tested but use it at your own risk.
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Link: https://discord.gg/gSQHmE3yap
Release notes
- Merciful Death will remove negative status effects such as burning or poison.
- Minor change to default values.
- Added an option to escape death when receiving a last blow, which can only be triggered once in a while.
- Added an option in the configs to determine if backups should also be deleted or not.
- Added an option in the configs to also delete the world upon death. Disabled by default. Should not work in multi-player.
- Initial release.