This is an RCON library for BepInEx compatible games that do not ship with a native RCON implementation, like Valheim.


Add rcon.dll to your BepInEx/plugins folder. Run the server at least once to generate the required config files.


The configuration file will be generated as BepInEx/config/nl.avii.plugins.rcon.cfg

Open this file with your favorite editor and change enabled to true. Change the port number to something close to the game port, for Valheim I've used GamePort+2, and at least on Nitrado game servers, I am able to connect to it. (not sure about other providers)

NOTE: If you host your own dedicated server, make sure to port forward the selected port if you wish to connect to it remotely.

The password field is self-explanatory.

After changing the values, restart the server.


This library does not ship with commands but is intended to be used as a dependency for other plugins.

Add a reference to rcon.dll to your own project

Adding a command

There are 2 ways to register commands from your own plugins.

Inline command example

[BepInPlugin("com.bepinex.plugins.example", "Example", "1.0")]
[BepInDependency("nl.avii.plugins.rcon", BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.HardDependency)]
public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
    rcon.rcon RCON;
    void OnEnable()
        RCON = GetComponent<rcon.rcon>();
        if (RCON == null)
            Logger.LogError("rcon plugin not loaded");
        RCON.RegisterCommand(this, "test", (args) =>
            Logger.LogInfo("Command 'test' execution");
            return "string to return to rcon client";
    void OnDisable()
        if (RCON == null)
            Logger.LogError("rcon plugin not loaded");
        RCON.UnRegisterCommand(this, "test");

Or using a separate class handler, register the command in OnEnable() of your plugin:

RCON.RegisterCommand<TestCommand>(this, "test");

And Unregister in OnDisable()

RCON.UnRegisterCommand(this, "test");

Add create a TestCommand.cs class

using rcon;
class TestCommand : AbstractCommand
    public override string onCommand(string[] args)
        // This will be executed on `test`
        // There is a protected property called "Plugin"
        // which holds a reference to your plugin class
        return "string to return to rcon client";

Unknown Command Handler

If an issued command can not be found, the library fires an the rcon.OnUnknownCommand event.

This is an example to forward unknown commands to a connected client based on their steamid

void OnEnable()
    RCON.OnUnknownCommand += RCON_OnUnknownCommand;

private string RCON_OnUnknownCommand(string command, string[] args)
    var arguments = args.ToList();
    string steamid = arguments.First();
    if (steamid == null)
        return "Unknown command";
    List<ZNetPeer> peers = (List<ZNetPeer>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(ZNet), "m_peers").GetValue(ZNet.instance);
    var peer = peers.Where(x => ((ZSteamSocket)x.m_socket).GetPeerID().ToString().Trim().ToLower() == steamid.Trim().ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
    if (peer == null)
        return $"Player with steamid {steamid} not connected";
    ZRoutedRpc.instance.InvokeRoutedRPC(peer.m_uid, "ExamplePlugin", command, arguments);
    return $"Command {command} forwarded to {peer.m_uid}";
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