Show building piece health, stability and rotation on your HUD!EulersRuler
Show building piece health, stability and rotation on your HUD!
- Shows targeted piece name, health, stability and rotations while hammer is active.
- Shows name and rotation of build piece currently being placed.
- Shows the piece prefab name of targeted piece or current placement ghost piece.
- Show (or hide) the vanilla piece health bar (colorized to the current piece health).
User Interface
This functionality is available while the build hammer is active.
- Display a panel with the piece name, health, stability and rotation (Euler & Quaternion) of the targeted piece.
- Panel position can be configured.
- Every row can be toggled on/off in the configuration.
- Display a panel with the prefab name and rotation (Euler & Quaternion) of the placement ghost piece.
- Panel position can be configured.
- Every row can be toggled on/off in configuration.
Known Conflicts
- BuildingHealthDisplay
- Mod functionality is duplicated, disable one or the other.
- See source at: GitHub.
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