
  • Set the health of player-placed items in the game to a configurable value.
  • Reduces monster attacks on player objects.


User Interface

  • Fuctionality is available on repaired objects or placed build objects.
  • Set the health of the currently targeted build object to a high value by repairing it.
    • Note: build object must be either unwarded or on a ward the user can access.


  • Health will be set when you place the item or when you use the repair hammer on it.
    • You can only change the health of building pieces that you own or are permitted on.
  • You can activate a ward to set the health value of all building pieces within range to the configured value.
  • Great for boats!
    • There are often "lag" issues with the game that cause boats to take more damage than they're supposed to.
    • Just set your boat to high health.
  • All items placed with the hammer have their health changed.
    • If you're using a mod that spawns things with the hammer, the ore will likely have high health.
    • Simply disable GOML in the configuration manager if you're trying to place normal health ore veins for example.
  • Disabling the mod does not change the health of previously placed/repaired pieces.
    • To lower the health again you'll need set a low health value and repair the piece or activate a ward in radius.

Ignoring Piece Stability

  • You can use this mod to ignore piece stability by setting piece health to a very high value (1E+17 or higher).
  • Caution!
    • Stability in the game helps keep buildings smaller to reduce lag.
    • When you cheat stability you can create larger buildings but this causes more lag due to more instances.
    • Keep an eye on your instances with F2 panel if this is a concern for you.
  • Why this works...
    • Pieces with zero stability incur piece health damage over time (100% vanilla base health / second).
    • With high enough health it just takes such a long time to tick down (years) it doesn't matter.
  • Every piece health damage message is broadcasted to everyone on the server.
    • The setting EnablePieceHealthDamageThreshold will restrict this behaviour to only pieces with < 100K health.

Recommended Mods to Use

  • ConfigurationManager.
    • Press F1 and navigate to the GetOffMyLawn section to change the health value.
  • Configula
    • Modifies the ConfigurationManager for more user-friendly input.
  • EulersRuler
    • See piece health, stability and other information while building.


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