
Comfy version of Gizmo.


  • Configurable modifier hot-keys for:
    • X-axis rotation (default: hold LeftShift)
    • Z-axis rotation (default: hold LeftAlt)
    • Reset selected axis rotation (default: V)
    • Reset ALL axis rotations (disabled by default)
  • Can disable the Gizmo placement visual.
  • Can set the snap angles per 180 degrees from 2 - 256.
  • Original Euler-style rotation.

Rotation Modes

Local Frame Mode

  • Allows rotation around the piece's local Y axis rather than the world Y axis.
  • If roof mode was enabled, it is disabled when local frame mode is enabled.

Old Rotation Mode

  • Uses rotation scheme from ComfyGizmo v1.2.0 - v1.4.0.
  • Differs from default by behavior when rotating around multiple axes.

Roof Mode

  • Allows rotations for the 8 corner-roof pieces with the x-z axes shifted 45 degrees about Y.
  • Rotations align with the beam of the roof to sync with inclined flat roof pieces.
  • Will be disabled on enabling Local Frame mode.
  • Is only active when one of the 8 corner-roof pieces are selected.
  • Can remain enabled unless a player wishes to rotate a corner roof piece along its tradtional x or z axes.


Ignoring Rotation

Prefabs can be ignored for Gizmo-rotation during placement using the following config-options under [Ignored].

  • ignoreTerrainOpPrefab
    • If enabled, rotation will be ignored for terrain-modifying prefabs.
  • ignorePrefabNameList
    • Comma-separated toggle-list of values where Gizmo-rotation will be ignored for prefabs with matching names.
    • Each value is in the format of: prefab_name=0 or prefab_name=1 where 0|1 indicates toggled off/on.
    • Example: Beech_Sapling=1,Birch_Sapling=1,VineGreen_sapling=1
    • Implements a custom user-friendly UI accessible in ConfigurationManager.



  1. Unzip ComfyGizmo.dll to your /valheim/BepInEx/plugins/ folder

Thunderstore (manual)

  1. Disable or uninstall any installed ComfyGizmo_v1.8.0 or earlier.
  2. Go to Settings > Import local mod > select
  3. Click "OK/Import local mod" on the pop-up for information.


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