
Create skill requirement for any equipable item that you want.

Block craft based on skills if you want

Blocks foods and potions.

It has compatibility with Valheim Level System. Use these as skills: Intelligence, Strength, Focus, Constitution, Agility, Level

It has compatibility with Smoothbrain skills.

It has compatibility with EpicMMO. Use these as skills: Strength, Agility, Intellect, Body, Level. Set EpicMMO as attribute to true.

Yml will be generated in the first execution.


- PrefabName: ArmorBronzeLegs
  - Skill: Blocking
    Level: 10
    BlockCraft: false
    BlockEquip: true
  - Skill: Blocking
    Level: 10
    BlockCraft: true
    BlockEquip: true
- PrefabName: ArmorBronzeChest
  - Skill: Blocking
    Level: 10
    BlockCraft: false
    BlockEquip: true
  - Skill: Blocking
    Level: 10
    BlockCraft: true
    BlockEquip: true
- PrefabName: HelmetBronze
  - Skill: Blocking
    Level: 10
    BlockCraft: false
    BlockEquip: true
  - Skill: Blocking
    Level: 10
    BlockCraft: true
    BlockEquip: true


Install in the server to sync config with clients.

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