An addon for EpicMMO that sends notifications to the discord server when any player gets a new level. (client+server)EpicMMONotifier
An addon for EpicMMO
Sends notifications to the discord server when any player gets a new level.
You can customize the messages as you want:
Use #PLAYERNICK for the player's nickname and #NEWLEVEL for the (number) of the level he got
Created specifically by order of Aldhari.
Synced Configs
Location: BepInEx/Config/com.Frogger.EpicMMONotifier.cfg
# Setting type: String
# Default value: Level UP! , New level! , Greetings new level!
Title Messeges = Level UP! , New level! , Greetings new level!
# Setting type: String
# Default value: #PLAYERNICK has risen to level #NEWLEVEL! , #PLAYERNICK has received level #NEWLEVEL! , #PLAYERNICK is now level #NEWLEVEL!
Description Messeges = #PLAYERNICK has risen to level #NEWLEVEL! , #PLAYERNICK has received level #NEWLEVEL! , #PLAYERNICK is now level #NEWLEVEL!
# Setting type: String
# Default value: EpicMMONotifier, EpicMMO, Notifier
Usernames = EpicMMONotifier, EpicMMO, Notifier
## Attention! Use only the colors from this table!
## https://gist.github.com/thomasbnt/b6f455e2c7d743b796917fa3c205f812?permalink_comment_id=3656937#gistcomment-3656937
# Setting type: String
# Default value: 1752220, 3447003, 15844367, 15105570, 7506394
Colors = 1752220, 3447003, 15844367, 15105570, 7506394
# Setting type: String
# Default value:
Webhook = https://discord.com/api/webhooks/30944922...
If something does not work for you, you have found any bugs, there are any suggestions, then be sure to write to me!
My Discord:
Aldhari Discord: