1-20 of 26 results

Thrown spears are not auto picked up by other players and they automatically return to you (configurable)

Adds water and cold debuff resistance and changes the bonuses of the capes and torches to use these new resistances

Changes teleporting with a portal to instantly update the weather on arrival, and optionally removes wet, cold and freezing debuffs at the end of the teleport

Adds two new unique set bonuses, one to the rag armor and one to the leather armor. It also adds bonuses to the lesser used capes

Gives pickaxes a secondary horizontal swipe attack, perfect for hitting stone golems or ore at eye level

The 'Corpse Run' buff and the tombstone will now check for items like your Megingjord when interacting and calculating the buff to prevent you accidentally getting overburdened

Removes the 8 yellow warnings you get before the main menu. Not a single warning more or less, exactly those specific 8, that's it

Changes the Yagluth boss altar to only require three items. Optionally also affects Eikthyr and Bonemass

Makes the wishbone fully configurable: track more kinds of ore, select your currently tracked ore, change the detection ranges and more