This is a custom .cfg file mod made by me for the JamesJonesTV Server. This is just a configuration file to be used with Drop That.

I recommend that you also use the following mods to take full advantage of the interface.

This mod includes configs to Trophy Drop % and adds Ore and Tree Seed drops to Bosses from their biomes. Also gives a small chance to drop finite items from some monsters. You can remove or add anything you desire easily.

This mod also works with CLLC up to 5 Stars and is designed to be used with CLLC.

Trophy Drop %:

  • 0 Star Monster = 5%
  • 1 Star Monster = 10%
  • 2 Star Monster = 20%
  • 3 Star Monster = 30%
  • 4 Star Monster = 40%
  • 5 Star Monster = 50%
  • 0 Star Boss = 25%
  • 1 Star Boss = 30%
  • 2 Star Boss = 35%
  • 3 Star Boss = 40%
  • 4 Star Boss = 45%
  • 5 Star Boss = 50%

Biome Boss Ore Drop %:

  • 0 Star Boss = 33%
  • 1 Star Boss = 44%
  • 2 Star Boss = 55%
  • 3 Star Boss = 66%
  • 4 Star Boss = 77%
  • 5 Star Boss = 88%

Drops between 3-8 ore if ore is dropped.

Tree Seed Drop %

  • Greylings have a chane to drop 1-2 Beech Cones. 3% for no stars. 3/6/9/12/15/18% based on star level.
  • Greydwarfs have a chane to drop 1-2 Birch Seeds. 3% for no stars. 3/6/9/12/15/18% based on star level.
  • Greydwarf Shamans have a chane to drop 1-2 Fir Cones. 3% for no stars. 3/6/9/12/15/18% based on star level.
  • Greydwarf Brutes have a chane to drop 1-2 Pine Cones. 3% for no stars. 3/6/9/12/15/18% based on star level.
  • Greydwarf Mages have a chane to drop 1-2 Red Pine Cones. 3% for no stars. 3/6/9/12/15/18% based on star level.
  • Goblin Shamans have a 3% chance to drop 1 Palm Tree Seed and a 3% chance to drop 1 Acacia Seed. Scales with level.
  • Eikthyr has a chance to drop 3-5 Beech Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Eikthyr has a chance to drop 2-4 Birch Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Eikthyr has a chance to drop 1-2 Acorns. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Eikthyr has a chance to drop 2-4 Meadows Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Asmodeus (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 3-5 Willow Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Asmodeus (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 1-2 Oak Wood Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Asmodeus (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 3-5 Dog Wood Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Asmodeus (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 2-4 Cotton Wood Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Asmodeus (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 2-4 Meadows Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • The Elder has a chance to drop 3-5 Pine Cones. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • The Elder has a chance to drop 3-5 Fir Cones. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • The Elder has a chance to drop 2-4 Black Forest Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Svalt (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 2-4 Red Pine Cones. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Svalt (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 3-5 Pine Cones. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Svalt (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 3-5 Maple Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Svalt (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 2-4 Black Forest Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Bonemass has a chance to drop 3-5 Ancient Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Bonemass has a chance to drop 2-4 Swamp Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Vrykolathas (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 3-5 Ancient Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Vrykolathas (Monstrum) has a chance to drop 2-4 Swamp Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Moder has a chance to drop 3-5 Winter Pine Cones. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Moder has a chance to drop 3-5 Magic Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Moder has a chance to drop 2-4 Mountain Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Yagluth has a chance to drop 3-5 Acacia Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Yagluth has a chance to drop 3-5 Palm Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Yagluth has a chance to drop 2-4 Plains Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • The Queen has a chance to drop 2-4 Mistlands Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Fader has a chance to drop 3-5 Cinder Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Fader has a chance to drop 3-5 Ashlands Tree Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.
  • Fader has a chance to drop 2-4 Ashlands Plant Seeds. 25% chance at 0 stars. Scales with level.

IronScrap Drop %:

  • Goblins have a chance to drop 1-2 IronScrap. 3% chance for no stars. Scales with level.
  • Goblin Shamans have a chance to drop 1-2 IronScrap. 3% chance for no stars. Scales with level.
  • Goblin Berserkers have a chance to drop 2-5 IronScrap. 5% chance for no stars. Scales with level.
  • Goblin King (Yag Boss) has a chance to drop 5-12 IronScrap. 25% chance for no stars. Scales with level.

Coins Drop%:

  • Meadows bosses have a 25% chance to drop 10-20 Coins.
  • Black Forest bosses have a 25% chance to drop 20-40 Coins.
  • Swamp bosses have a 25% chance to drop 40-60 Coins.
  • Mountain bosses have a 25% chance to drop 60-80 Coins.
  • Plains bosses have a 25% chance to drop 80-100 Coins.
  • Mistlands bosses have a 25% chance to drop 100-120 Coins.
  • Ashlands bosses have a 25% chance to drop 120-140 Coins.

Other Monster Drop Additions:

  • Skeletons have a .2% chance to drop Rancid Remains trophy. (1 in 500)
  • Skeletons have a .1% chance to drop Brenna trophy. (1 in 1000)
  • Cultist have a .1% chance to drop Geirrhafa trophy. (1 in 1000)
  • Goblins have a .1% chance to drop Zil trophy. (1 in 1000)
  • Goblin Berserkers have a .1% chance to drop Thungr trophy. (1 in 1000)
  • Goblin Shamans have a 8% chance to drop Fuling Totems.
  • Drakes have a 1% chance to drop a Dragon Egg.
  • Eikthyr has a 100% chance to drop 3 Deer Meat and 3 Deer Hide. Scales with level.
  • Eikthyr has a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Pumpkins. Scales with level.
  • The Elder has a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Thistle. Scales with level.
  • Bonemass has a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Ooze. Scales with level.
  • Moder has a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Crystals. Scales with level
  • Monstrum Meadows Boss Asmodeus has a 25% chance to drop a Queen Bee. Scales with level.
  • Monstrum Forest Boss Svalt has a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Bronze Bars. Scales with level.
  • Monstrum Swamp Boss Vrykolathas has a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Iron Bars. Scales with level.

Blue Mushroom Drop%: These have been added to work with my Pieces mod for the Monster Mushroom Lights listed at Version 1.1.4 description.

  • Drakes have a 5% chance to drop 1-3 Blue Mushrooms. Scales with level.
  • Fenrings have a 5% chance to drop 1-3 Blue Mushrooms. Scales with level.
  • Fenring Cultist have a 5% chance to drop 1-3 Blue Mushrooms. Scales with level.
  • Fenring Mages have a 5% chance to drop 1-3 Blue Mushrooms. Scales with level.
  • Grizzly Bears have a 5% chance to drop 1-3 Blue Mushrooms. Scales with level.
  • Stone Golems have a 5% chance to drop 2-5 Blue Mushrooms. Scales with level.
  • Wolves have a 5% chance to drop 1-3 Blue Mushrooms. Scales with level.
  • Moder has a 25% chance to drop 5-12 Blue Mushrooms. Scales with level.

*** All rank 4 achievement monsters from my Class Buffs mod have a chance to drop Blue Mushrooms. You can find this mod at

EpicLoot Runestone Drops:

  • All Bosses and Monstrum Bosses have a 25% chance to drop a Runestone. Rarity based on their biome.

All no star monsters drop trophies at a rate of 5% except for Hildir monsters that are 100% and 1 per player.

Feel free to join the discord at and build on the server. Just read the rules before logging on.

You can see my other mods at:



  • 1.1.5: Gives The Elder a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Thistle, scales with level. Bonemass has a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Ooze, scales with level. Moder has a 25% chance to drop 3-8 Crystals, scales with level.
  • 1.1.4: Gives Blue Mushrooms a chance to drop from some Mountain creatures to work alongside the new Monster Mushroom Lights in my Pieces Mod at:
  • 1.1.3: Adds a 25% chance for coins to drop from bosses. Goblin King now has a 25% chance to drop 5-12 IronScraps.
  • 1.1.2: Eikthyr has 100% chance to drop 3 deer meat and deer hide. Hildir monsters now drop trophies at 100% chance and 1 per player. You can limit Hildr respawns with I set my server to 100 in game days.
  • 1.1.1: Reduced the chance for Hildir Trophies to drop from similar monsters. Was 1% is now .1% (1 in 1000). Reduced chance for rancid remains trophy to drop from skeletons to .2% (1 in 500).
  • 1.1.0: Updated description.
  • 1:0:9: Added tree/plant seed drops to all Bosses based on their biome. Added Bronze Bars to Svalt drop table. Added Iron Bars to Vrykolathas drop table.
  • 1:0:8: Added and increased monsters and bosses that drop tree seeds. Gives a reason to keep killing lower tier bosses. Increased IronScrap drop chance from Goblins. Gave Eitkrhy a 25% chance to drop Pumpkins as an early game magic food.
  • 1:0:7: Added PineCones to Greydwarf Shamans and Ancient Greydwarf Shaman drop tables. Helps compliment the new Corewood Mod by MagicMike. Increased Monstrum Boss Svalt Seeds that drop between 1 and 3 seeds instead of just 1 when they drop.
  • 1:0:6: Added 25% chance for bosses and monstrum bosses to drop Runestones (EpicLoot). Meadows = Magic Runestone, Black Forest = Rare Runestone, Swamp/Mountains = Epic Runestones, Plains/Mistlands = Legendary Runestones, Ashlands = Mythic Runestones. This was done as trophy drops are extremely rare with these configs and gives another reason to farm bosses which is my desire.
  • 1:0:5: Added Wizardry monsters. Gave Goblins a 2% chance to drop 1-2 IronScraps, GoblinBrutes 5% chance to drop 2-5 IronScraps. Hatchlings 1% chance to drop DragonEgg.
  • 1:0:4: Added a chance for monstrum monsters to drop finite items. Meadows Boss = Queen Bee, Forest Boss = Beech/Birch Seeds, Fir/Pine Cones. Swamp Boss = Acorns. Fuling Shamans can now drop Fuling Totems.
  • 1:0:3: Fixed Monstrum Bosses trophy drop %. They were dropping at the rate of normal monsters. Now they will drop at their proper Boss percentages.
  • 1:0:2: Fixed 0 star monsters dropping trophies as if they were 1 star. Trophy drop rate should be accurate now. Fixed The Queen not dropping Softtissue.
  • 1.0.1: Added a chance for finite monsters to drop their trophy from similar monsters.
  • 1.0.0: Mod Uploaded

Suggested Updates:

  • If you would like to see any other finite items added to the drop table let me know.
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