Fashion and armor. Weapons coming soon.Fashion and Armor!
For Questions or Comments, add my Discord: (I'm KeeperOfBucket#6592)
Update Information (Latest listed first)
- Updated to Jotunn!
- Added a witch hat for mistlands, and a new bronze tier armor set- Hounskull
- Updated some recipes, textures and descriptions
- Added Wanderer Hood, Jute Shoulder Cape, Drake Headdress, and Mountain Crown
- Fixed an issue with the left eyepatch, and some other miscellanous issues I forgot to fix because I am dummy
- Fixed some bugs with the flame cape and blue fancy shirt.
- Added the Inkfae set (Iron-tier eitr set)
- Added RP Eyepatches, Demon Horns and Cape
- Demon Horns can currently not be crafted and must be spawned in
- Repackaged as "Fashionheim" to separate it from the RP mod it used to be.
- Mod currently has two sets of armor, and a handful of cosmetic items. These include-
- Swamp Dweller Set (interchangable with Root Set)
- Plainswalker Set (A blackmetal Paddded Armor alternative)
- Fashion Items currently include- a variety of colored shirts, jute scarves and a barkeeper set.
- Uncraftable Dev Items include- "Heart of the Accursed," The Item, and particle-less versions of the draugr fang, frostner, crystal battleaxe, and the jotunn bane axe.