Better Stakes

Make stakes useful! Multiply stake damage & drop all materials when deconstructed or destroyed.

Better Stakes makes stakes a viable defense option.

Stakes have never been a great option for base defense. Their damage is insignificant, and their resources are (mostly) lost when destroyed or even deconstructed to move them!

Dvergr stakes are useless against the tough enemies in the biomes they're intended to protect, especially compared to traps or the Ashlands stakewall.

Better Stakes allow you to deconstruct and rebuild stakes without losing any materials. They will drop their full resources when destroyed so you don't lose Core, Yggdrasil, or Ashwood.

You can configure a multiplier for each stake type's damage.


-- Fixed issue parsing stake damage on systems where decimal separator is not a period.



  • Stake Pieces: Pairs of comma separated prefab names and damage multipliers for stakes, separated by semicolons. Listed pieces will drop resources on destruction or deconstruction and multiply stake damage by the amount configured. @

    • Default: piece_dvergr_sharpstakes,5.0;piece_sharpstakes,3.0;piece_stakewall_blackwood,1.0


  • LogLevel: Controls the level of information in the log.

Configuration items with descriptions ending in (@) are server authoritative.

In-game reconfiguration

You can use Configuration Manager (or similar) mod to change the configuration without exiting the game. You can force an update by editing the config file.


The Ashwood Stakewall is included to recover its resources, but the multiplier default is 1.0 since this piece already does significant damage!

Note you can potentially reduce damage by using a fractional multiplier (i.e., 0.5 would be half damage)

Compatibility issues & defects

  • If you find a compatibility issue you can post it on NexusMods. Be sure to include the mod name and version you think may be incompatible.
  • If you have a bug please report it on NexusMods. If you do post a bug report, please make sure to include the following:
    • Your version of this mod
    • What you were doing, or attempting to do when it happened
    • If it's repeatable - i.e., can you duplicate it?
    • The exact behavior you observed (or didn't observe)
    • If possible, post a capture of the log file with errors (errors always begin with this mod's name) on Discord

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