Get that ancient ruins look! Use your hammer to add wear and tear to buildable pieces or age entire structures with one key press.Ruins Maker
Get that ancient ruins look! Age pieces with your hammer or entire structures at once.
Give your world that 'ancient' flavor. Use your hammer to add wear to buildable pieces or age entire structures with one key press.
Ruins Maker can also displace pieces or even remove them to complete the 'ruins' look!
The amount of wear, chance and amount of displacement and chance of removal are all configurable.
Add too much wear? Ruins Maker can repair everything in the area back to it's full repair state.
- 0.1.0 Initial release
- AmountOfWear: Amount of Wear to apply on hammer strike (or each press of WearAreaKey) as a % of the total health of the piece.
- DisplacementChance: The chance (as a %) objects are displaced in the x,z plane. A value of zero (0) never displaces pieces.
- MaxDisplacement: Sets the amount of displacement (small, medium, or large) for pieces that get displaced. The amount is randomly determined, but limited by this value.
- RemovalChance: The chance (as a %) objects are removed entirely when when pressing the WearAreaKey. Note that a removed object may reduce structural support and result in other pieces being deconstructed. A value of zero (0) never removes pieces.
- WearAreaRadius: Radius (in meters) to apply Wear to pieces when pressing the WearAreaKey
- WearHammerKey: Hold this key down while using your hammer to add Wear and Tear to the hovered piece.
- WearAreaKey: Press this key to apply Wear to all pieces within the radius configured by WearAreaRadius.
- RepairAreaKey: Press this key to repair all pieces within the radius configured by WearAreaRadius.
- LogLevel: Controls the level of information in the log.
In-game reconfiguration
You can use Configuration Manager (or similar) mod to change the configuration without exiting the game. You can force an update by changing the config file.
- You need to be in "place" mode (hammer in hand) to use area wear or repair.
- Displaced pieces can be repaired, but will not move back to their original position.
- If you use the removal option, there's a chance of removing a piece that will cause other pieces to lose support and be deconstructed. You won't lose materials.
Compatibility issues & defects
- If you find a compatibility issue you can post it on NexusMods. Be sure to include the mod name and version you think may be incompatible.
- If you have a bug please report it on NexusMods. If you do post a bug report, please make sure to include the following:
- Your version of this mod
- What you were doing, or attempting to do when it happened
- If it's repeatable - i.e., can you duplicate it?
- The exact behavior you observed (or didn't observe)
- If possible, post a capture of the log file with errors (errors always begin with this mod's name) on Discord
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