Adds various Tiers of drivable wagons that also funtion like vanilla and can be pulled by any tamed creature! MORE Wagons TO COME! __Shawesome's Awesome Wagons__
Mythical Coding by Meldurson [click image to support]
General Notes
ayyyyy 5 wagons so far! sweet! more to come - always cooking! thinking something slightly vampire themed for the next wagon coffin and stuff maybe some bats hang around it etc etc vampire slayer wagon would be sick! XD
About Me
I'm just a fledgling modster so please be patient for new items and such.
If you enjoy the mod and would like to see more content please consider, if you feel so inclined, buying me a snack on Ko-fi to help me on my quest, Nom Nom Nom!
**might be fun to race your friends on custom built race tracks and ramps and stuff
use the AllTameable and MountUpRestored mods by Meldurson!
attach tamed creatures to your Wagons with the Wagons mod by CookieMilk!
For now this is what we are working with ^.^
New! in V1.0.3 Works with the latest Bog witch patch
Hel Syklus | Hel Beast | ID: ShawHelCycle | Very Fast - Hold space for boost - Hel Fire when boosting (does fire dmg)
Master Cycle - Zero | Divine Beast | ID: ShawMasterCycle | Very fast- hold space for boost (don't hold for too long)
H-Wagon | Wagon RV | ID: Shaw_H_Wagon | Hildirs wagon now functional
The Golden Zephyr | Carriage |ID: ShawSGCart | Provides shelter from rain (as a driver or passenger) and keeps you dry with warmth from fire (built in heater)
Halo Warthog | Vehicle |ID: shawhalocart | For fun/ not balanced/ enjoy! (space[hold or tap] is boost / left click or m3 is missiles / right click is guns) for some reason the only way to successfully interact with the storage you must stand on the hood (on the trapezoid shape) yeah weird =/ lol
Reach out to me via Valheimians or You can usually find me lounging in Dhakhar's Forge World spoiling a few of the details of the latest updates to the mod and basking in the secrets of Jere's Infinity Hammer.
- Valheim
- BepInEx
- Jotunn
Special Thanks
My Wife and child! Their Love is a Hell of a Drug!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Meldurson He makes all the awesome code that gives life to all Shawesome Mods!!!! Truly Greatful for all your help and Guidance!!!!
[Valheim Developers] for creating all the original assets for us to mess with :] Long Live Valheim!!!!
Date | Version | Notes |
1/24/2025 | 1.0.3 | 3 new wagons added! and some positioning when placing updates. |
1/04/2025 | 1.0.2 | small update to wagon sounds while moving... |
1/03/2025 | 1.0.1 | 2nd update after almost a year (my apologies , my modding journey took me through some far away lands ...) please enjoy! |
2/28/2024 | 1.0.0 | alpha release of S.A.W. |