Plant in a customizable grid for perfect evenly spaced crops. Inspired by Farm Grid by Sarcen.Venture Farm Grid
Created by [email protected].
Plant in a customizable grid for perfect evenly spaced crops. Inspired by Farm Grid by Sarcen.
This mod is a remake of Sarcen's Farm Grid with more built in support for vanilla crops and other mods without needing additional configuration.
- Start by placing a crop with the cultivator to activate the grid.
- Swivel to the desired spot and place your second crop to finalize the grid.
- Begin creating a perfectly square field.
This mod supports fixed snap angles or free swivel placement. By default fixed snapping is enabled. To enable free swiveling set the FarmGridFixedPartitions configuration to 0.
- FarmGridFixedPartitions: Fixed number of partitions for initial snapping angles. Vanilla uses 16 for build pieces, 0 allows free rotation.
- PlantSpacing: Extra spacing to add to all plants in addition to the plant's needed growth space.
- FarmGridSections: Amount of grid squares to draw from the center. Limited to 10 maximum.
- FarmGridYOffset: Grid offset from the ground.
- FarmGridColor: Color of the grid
- CustomPlants: Additional non-Plant prefabs and overrides for default values.
This mod is client side only and changes made to the configurations will only affect your client. Live updates to the configs will take immediate effect.
- Bug fix for crashing on login.
- Added missing Pickable_Fiddlehead to default configurations.
- Fixed grown (and sometimes partially grown) plants not activating grid snapping correctly.
- First release.
All issues can be reported on the project Github. To report issues please be as specific as possible and provide the following:
- Version of this mod you are using.
- List of the other mods being used.
All feedback, ideas, and requests are welcome! You can message me at my discord Venture Gaming.
Thank you Sarcen for the original mod!