Super small subset of Auga with 95% of the functionality removed. Read the description!AugaLite
by ZenDragon based on Auga by RandyKnapp / n4 / Vapok
Original Author:
This is a fork of the mod Auga by Randy Knapp.
It has 95% of the functionality removed and is only intended as a way to preserve a very small amount of elements from Auga such as HP/stamina bars, teleport transition screen, loading screens, fonts, plus a few other things I probably forgot when writing this document.
I have been using this internally for a while. I reached out to Vapok and with permission I decided to release it to the community. I did not strip the unused assets so unfortunately while it's "lite" in function it's also fat in assets that are just taking up memory. However, they are not being accessed so it should not affect performance just a bit of wasted ram.
What this is NOT:
This does not preserve any of the Auga UI windowing elements or other things you are probably thinking of when you think of Auga. The UI is mostly just vanilla. You could possibly pair it with MinimalUI and get the Auga styling on the vanilla interface, but I haven't tried that as I like vanilla style.
I wanted to use some of the Auga hp bars and the teleport screens without compatibility issues with the vanilla UI windowing system. This was my Frankenstein compromise: AugaLite.
This may break in the future or today. It's really only been tested for my own internal use.