
Beehives open like containers so that you can extract honey without throwing it on the roof.

Use with ZenSign so that Signs can include Beehives when calculating the total honey in your hoard.

Use with ZenHoverItem for enhanced cursor info when hovering over a Beehive.


Client / Server Requirements

NOTE: Technically it is not required on the server. However, if it is installed on the server then it will force all clients to have it installed as well. This is to enable two modes of usage:

  1. Dedicated server admins can put the mod on the server to enforce all clients to have the mod installed and sync admin configs.
  2. Trusted friends can agree to run the same mods and connect through a vanilla dedicated server with no enforcement but with locked admin configs.

Improve Your Experience


The full collection of all Zen MODS:

  • Radically improved QoL
  • Incredible performance
  • Pre-configured
  • 100% Gamepad support
  • Spectacularly immersive


Sample Config File

## Settings file was created by plugin ZenBeehive v0.1.5
## Plugin GUID: ZenDragon.ZenBeehive

## [Admin] Max honey that a beehive can hold. Logout for changes to take effect. (Vanilla: 4)
## Note, max capacity can not exceed the stack size for the Item Prefab.
## Example: if the Item Prefab's max stack size is 50 then it won't matter if you put 999 here.
## It will never go above the item's max stack size.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 4
# Acceptable value range: From 1 to 999
Max Capacity = 4

## [Admin] The prefab name of the item that grows inside a beehive. The Honey Item. Logout for changes to take effect.
# Setting type: String
# Default value: Honey
Item Prefab = Honey

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