
Make ArmorStands and ItemStands interactable containers.

  • More natural and intuitive user interface.
  • Quickly swap the gear from an Armor Stand onto your character with one button.
  • Access an individual item from an Armor Stand without needing to drop the whole thing onto the ground.
  • Easily place items into stands without needing to use the hot bar keys 1-8.
  • Fully backwards compatible. If you remove the mod the items are not lost.
  • Full gamepad support.

Armor Stand Container

Screenshot Armor Stand

Item Stand Container

Screenshot Item Stand

Client / Server Requirements

NOTE: Technically it is not required on the server. However, if it is installed on the server then it will force all clients to have it installed as well. This is to enable two modes of usage:

  1. Dedicated server admins can put the mod on the server to enforce all clients to have the mod installed and sync admin configs.
  2. Trusted friends can agree to run the same mods and connect through a vanilla dedicated server with no enforcement but with locked admin configs.

Client Only

This mod operates entirely client side. That means you can connect to any vanilla server with this mod installed. Other players do not need to have the mod installed.

NOTE: If you host a game session with this mod installed then it will be considered to be installed on the server since your session is the server. Therefor, all clients will be required to have it. If you don't want to require all players to have this mod then you will need to host your game in a dedicated server. You can easily download and run the Valheim Dedicated Server from Steam or host one in the cloud.

Improve Your Experience


The full collection of all Zen MODS:

  • Radically improved QoL
  • Incredible performance
  • Pre-configured
  • 100% Gamepad support
  • Spectacularly immersive


Sample Config File

## Settings file was created by plugin ZenItemStands v0.3.1
## Plugin GUID: ZenDragon.ZenItemStands


## [Admin] If enabled you can also use traditional 1-8 hotbar buttons to assign items to stands (Vanilla: true)
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Enable Hotbar Use Item = false

[Piece: ArmorStand]

## [Admin] Enable chaging poses of armor stands
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Enable Pose Changing = false

## [Admin] Should (Hold to equip) be available on Armor Stands hover text?
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Enable Hold To Equip = false

## Change the spelling to "Armor Stand" instead of "Armour Stand
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
American Spelling = true

[Piece: ItemStand]

## [Admin] Should (Hold to equip) be available on Item Stands hover text?
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Enable Hold To Equip = false

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