Move chests and other furniture without destroying them.ZenRedecorate
Have you ever wanted to redesign your house but there was a bunch of chests full of loot you would need to smash in order to make room for your new construction plans?
Well now you don't have to deal with that anymore.
Move chests and other furniture pieces without destroying them. The contents of the chest remain intact.
However, structural pieces that provide support (such as walls) are not movable, this is by design. It's a construction site after all. You don't move walls, you knock them down. Walls are not furniture that you can just lift and move. Experiment to figure out what is movable and what is not.
You are intentionally encumbered when redecorating because lifting a barrel full of wood obviously should slow your movement. (Also this prevents cheating).
Placing an object still requires the appropriate workbench requirements nearby. You can't cheat and move an object to where there is no appropriate workbench to build it.
Default Keyboard Controls
- Equip your hammer.
- Point at the furniture you want to move.
- Hold left-ctrl to enter Move mode.
- Left-click on furniture to pickup
- You can release left-control.
- Right-click to cancel.
Gamepad Controls
- Equip your hammer.
- Point at the furniture you want to move.
- Press X to pickup.
- Press B to cancel.
Keyhints at the bottom of the screen explain which button to press. Make sure to enable key hints if you have disabled them in Valheim's settings to see the controls for redecorating.
Taking damage will cancel the move operation and the object will revert to its original position.
Full gamepad support.
Client / Server Requirements
NOTE: Technically it is not required on the server. However, if it is installed on the server then it will force all clients to have it installed as well. This is to enable two modes of usage:
- Dedicated server admins can put the mod on the server to enforce all clients to have the mod installed and sync admin configs.
- Trusted friends can agree to run the same mods and connect through a vanilla dedicated server with no enforcement but with locked admin configs.
Improve Your Experience
The full collection of all Zen MODS:
- Radically improved QoL
- Incredible performance
- Pre-configured
- 100% Gamepad support
- Spectacularly immersive
Sample Config File
## Settings file was created by plugin ZenRedecorate v0.2.20
## Plugin GUID: ZenDragon.ZenRedecorate
## [Admin] Player is encumbered when moving things.
## This protects against making it too easy to transport chests full of stuff over long distances.
## That's what carts are for.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Encumbered When Redecorating = true
## [Admin] Can not move anything that provides support, except furniture.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Provides Support Is Immovable = true
## Display a warning before trying to move an object that provides support.
## This setting ignores the IsProvidesSupportImmovable settings because things like beds and tables also provide support as they are furniture.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Provides Support Warning = false
## [Admin] These prefabs are always allowed to be moved.
# Setting type: StringList
# Default value: wood_fine_stack, blackwood_stack, bone_stack, piece_beehive
Allowed Prefabs = wood_fine_stack, blackwood_stack, bone_stack, piece_beehive
## [Admin] These prefabs are never allowed to be moved.
# Setting type: StringList
# Default value: fire_pit, bonfire, hearth, windmill
Denied Prefabs = fire_pit, bonfire, hearth, windmill
## [Admin] Maximum distance that a piece can be carried before automatic abort.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 50
Max Carry Range = 50
## Modifier Key to hold down to switch into move mode.
# Setting type: KeyCode
# Default value: LeftControl
# Acceptable values: None, Backspace, Tab, Clear, Return, Pause, Escape, Space, Exclaim, DoubleQuote, Hash, Dollar, Percent, Ampersand, Quote, LeftParen, RightParen, Asterisk, Plus, Comma, Minus, Period, Slash, Alpha0, Alpha1, Alpha2, Alpha3, Alpha4, Alpha5, Alpha6, Alpha7, Alpha8, Alpha9, Colon, Semicolon, Less, Equals, Greater, Question, At, LeftBracket, Backslash, RightBracket, Caret, Underscore, BackQuote, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, LeftCurlyBracket, Pipe, RightCurlyBracket, Tilde, Delete, Keypad0, Keypad1, Keypad2, Keypad3, Keypad4, Keypad5, Keypad6, Keypad7, Keypad8, Keypad9, KeypadPeriod, KeypadDivide, KeypadMultiply, KeypadMinus, KeypadPlus, KeypadEnter, KeypadEquals, UpArrow, DownArrow, RightArrow, LeftArrow, Insert, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, Numlock, CapsLock, ScrollLock, RightShift, LeftShift, RightControl, LeftControl, RightAlt, LeftAlt, RightMeta, RightCommand, RightApple, LeftMeta, LeftCommand, LeftApple, LeftWindows, RightWindows, AltGr, Help, Print, SysReq, Break, Menu, Mouse0, Mouse1, Mouse2, Mouse3, Mouse4, Mouse5, Mouse6, JoystickButton0, JoystickButton1, JoystickButton2, JoystickButton3, JoystickButton4, JoystickButton5, JoystickButton6, JoystickButton7, JoystickButton8, JoystickButton9, JoystickButton10, JoystickButton11, JoystickButton12, JoystickButton13, JoystickButton14, JoystickButton15, JoystickButton16, JoystickButton17, JoystickButton18, JoystickButton19, Joystick1Button0, Joystick1Button1, Joystick1Button2, Joystick1Button3, Joystick1Button4, Joystick1Button5, Joystick1Button6, Joystick1Button7, Joystick1Button8, Joystick1Button9, Joystick1Button10, Joystick1Button11, Joystick1Button12, Joystick1Button13, Joystick1Button14, Joystick1Button15, Joystick1Button16, Joystick1Button17, Joystick1Button18, Joystick1Button19, Joystick2Button0, Joystick2Button1, Joystick2Button2, Joystick2Button3, Joystick2Button4, Joystick2Button5, Joystick2Button6, Joystick2Button7, Joystick2Button8, Joystick2Button9, Joystick2Button10, Joystick2Button11, Joystick2Button12, Joystick2Button13, Joystick2Button14, Joystick2Button15, Joystick2Button16, Joystick2Button17, Joystick2Button18, Joystick2Button19, Joystick3Button0, Joystick3Button1, Joystick3Button2, Joystick3Button3, Joystick3Button4, Joystick3Button5, Joystick3Button6, Joystick3Button7, Joystick3Button8, Joystick3Button9, Joystick3Button10, Joystick3Button11, Joystick3Button12, Joystick3Button13, Joystick3Button14, Joystick3Button15, Joystick3Button16, Joystick3Button17, Joystick3Button18, Joystick3Button19, Joystick4Button0, Joystick4Button1, Joystick4Button2, Joystick4Button3, Joystick4Button4, Joystick4Button5, Joystick4Button6, Joystick4Button7, Joystick4Button8, Joystick4Button9, Joystick4Button10, Joystick4Button11, Joystick4Button12, Joystick4Button13, Joystick4Button14, Joystick4Button15, Joystick4Button16, Joystick4Button17, Joystick4Button18, Joystick4Button19, Joystick5Button0, Joystick5Button1, Joystick5Button2, Joystick5Button3, Joystick5Button4, Joystick5Button5, Joystick5Button6, Joystick5Button7, Joystick5Button8, Joystick5Button9, Joystick5Button10, Joystick5Button11, Joystick5Button12, Joystick5Button13, Joystick5Button14, Joystick5Button15, Joystick5Button16, Joystick5Button17, Joystick5Button18, Joystick5Button19, Joystick6Button0, Joystick6Button1, Joystick6Button2, Joystick6Button3, Joystick6Button4, Joystick6Button5, Joystick6Button6, Joystick6Button7, Joystick6Button8, Joystick6Button9, Joystick6Button10, Joystick6Button11, Joystick6Button12, Joystick6Button13, Joystick6Button14, Joystick6Button15, Joystick6Button16, Joystick6Button17, Joystick6Button18, Joystick6Button19, Joystick7Button0, Joystick7Button1, Joystick7Button2, Joystick7Button3, Joystick7Button4, Joystick7Button5, Joystick7Button6, Joystick7Button7, Joystick7Button8, Joystick7Button9, Joystick7Button10, Joystick7Button11, Joystick7Button12, Joystick7Button13, Joystick7Button14, Joystick7Button15, Joystick7Button16, Joystick7Button17, Joystick7Button18, Joystick7Button19, Joystick8Button0, Joystick8Button1, Joystick8Button2, Joystick8Button3, Joystick8Button4, Joystick8Button5, Joystick8Button6, Joystick8Button7, Joystick8Button8, Joystick8Button9, Joystick8Button10, Joystick8Button11, Joystick8Button12, Joystick8Button13, Joystick8Button14, Joystick8Button15, Joystick8Button16, Joystick8Button17, Joystick8Button18, Joystick8Button19
Mode Select Modifier Key = LeftControl
## Button to press to pickup.
# Setting type: KeyCode
# Default value: Mouse0
# Acceptable values: None, Backspace, Tab, Clear, Return, Pause, Escape, Space, Exclaim, DoubleQuote, Hash, Dollar, Percent, Ampersand, Quote, LeftParen, RightParen, Asterisk, Plus, Comma, Minus, Period, Slash, Alpha0, Alpha1, Alpha2, Alpha3, Alpha4, Alpha5, Alpha6, Alpha7, Alpha8, Alpha9, Colon, Semicolon, Less, Equals, Greater, Question, At, LeftBracket, Backslash, RightBracket, Caret, Underscore, BackQuote, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, LeftCurlyBracket, Pipe, RightCurlyBracket, Tilde, Delete, Keypad0, Keypad1, Keypad2, Keypad3, Keypad4, Keypad5, Keypad6, Keypad7, Keypad8, Keypad9, KeypadPeriod, KeypadDivide, KeypadMultiply, KeypadMinus, KeypadPlus, KeypadEnter, KeypadEquals, UpArrow, DownArrow, RightArrow, LeftArrow, Insert, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, Numlock, CapsLock, ScrollLock, RightShift, LeftShift, RightControl, LeftControl, RightAlt, LeftAlt, RightMeta, RightCommand, RightApple, LeftMeta, LeftCommand, LeftApple, LeftWindows, RightWindows, AltGr, Help, Print, SysReq, Break, Menu, Mouse0, Mouse1, Mouse2, Mouse3, Mouse4, Mouse5, Mouse6, JoystickButton0, JoystickButton1, JoystickButton2, JoystickButton3, JoystickButton4, JoystickButton5, JoystickButton6, JoystickButton7, JoystickButton8, JoystickButton9, JoystickButton10, JoystickButton11, JoystickButton12, JoystickButton13, JoystickButton14, JoystickButton15, JoystickButton16, JoystickButton17, JoystickButton18, JoystickButton19, Joystick1Button0, Joystick1Button1, Joystick1Button2, Joystick1Button3, Joystick1Button4, Joystick1Button5, Joystick1Button6, Joystick1Button7, Joystick1Button8, Joystick1Button9, Joystick1Button10, Joystick1Button11, Joystick1Button12, Joystick1Button13, Joystick1Button14, Joystick1Button15, Joystick1Button16, Joystick1Button17, Joystick1Button18, Joystick1Button19, Joystick2Button0, Joystick2Button1, Joystick2Button2, Joystick2Button3, Joystick2Button4, Joystick2Button5, Joystick2Button6, Joystick2Button7, Joystick2Button8, Joystick2Button9, Joystick2Button10, Joystick2Button11, Joystick2Button12, Joystick2Button13, Joystick2Button14, Joystick2Button15, Joystick2Button16, Joystick2Button17, Joystick2Button18, Joystick2Button19, Joystick3Button0, Joystick3Button1, Joystick3Button2, Joystick3Button3, Joystick3Button4, Joystick3Button5, Joystick3Button6, Joystick3Button7, Joystick3Button8, Joystick3Button9, Joystick3Button10, Joystick3Button11, Joystick3Button12, Joystick3Button13, Joystick3Button14, Joystick3Button15, Joystick3Button16, Joystick3Button17, Joystick3Button18, Joystick3Button19, Joystick4Button0, Joystick4Button1, Joystick4Button2, Joystick4Button3, Joystick4Button4, Joystick4Button5, Joystick4Button6, Joystick4Button7, Joystick4Button8, Joystick4Button9, Joystick4Button10, Joystick4Button11, Joystick4Button12, Joystick4Button13, Joystick4Button14, Joystick4Button15, Joystick4Button16, Joystick4Button17, Joystick4Button18, Joystick4Button19, Joystick5Button0, Joystick5Button1, Joystick5Button2, Joystick5Button3, Joystick5Button4, Joystick5Button5, Joystick5Button6, Joystick5Button7, Joystick5Button8, Joystick5Button9, Joystick5Button10, Joystick5Button11, Joystick5Button12, Joystick5Button13, Joystick5Button14, Joystick5Button15, Joystick5Button16, Joystick5Button17, Joystick5Button18, Joystick5Button19, Joystick6Button0, Joystick6Button1, Joystick6Button2, Joystick6Button3, Joystick6Button4, Joystick6Button5, Joystick6Button6, Joystick6Button7, Joystick6Button8, Joystick6Button9, Joystick6Button10, Joystick6Button11, Joystick6Button12, Joystick6Button13, Joystick6Button14, Joystick6Button15, Joystick6Button16, Joystick6Button17, Joystick6Button18, Joystick6Button19, Joystick7Button0, Joystick7Button1, Joystick7Button2, Joystick7Button3, Joystick7Button4, Joystick7Button5, Joystick7Button6, Joystick7Button7, Joystick7Button8, Joystick7Button9, Joystick7Button10, Joystick7Button11, Joystick7Button12, Joystick7Button13, Joystick7Button14, Joystick7Button15, Joystick7Button16, Joystick7Button17, Joystick7Button18, Joystick7Button19, Joystick8Button0, Joystick8Button1, Joystick8Button2, Joystick8Button3, Joystick8Button4, Joystick8Button5, Joystick8Button6, Joystick8Button7, Joystick8Button8, Joystick8Button9, Joystick8Button10, Joystick8Button11, Joystick8Button12, Joystick8Button13, Joystick8Button14, Joystick8Button15, Joystick8Button16, Joystick8Button17, Joystick8Button18, Joystick8Button19
Pickup = Mouse0
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