1-20 of 22 results

Fork of aedenthorn/BuildingHealthDisplay for v0.217.46+ Building health bar. Also optionally lets you show integrity and use custom integrity colours.

Fork of aedenthorn's CustomTextures for v0.217.46+ Allows you to replace instances of game textures with custom png files.

Fork of aedenthorn/DiscardInventoryItem for v0.217.46+ Recycle items into lesser parts. Drag and press [Delete]. Option to not give back Coins, Magic Parts (EpicLoot), Magic Shards (EpicLoot). Option to block recycling of Consumables and Trophies.

Fork of aedenthorn/QuickCart for v0.217.46+ Allows quick attach / detach carts via a hotkey, even when not in position.

Fork of aedenthorn/AdvancedSigns for v0.217.46+ Customize sign text, font, position, and size, using rich text.

Lets you customize global and per-piece armor stats like durability, armor amount, movement modifier, and damage type modifiers. It also adds resistance to Wet status as a possible modifier.

Change the graphic settings in a deeper way in order to improve performance or go beyond the limits of standard options.