60+ firearms, 5 melee weapons, and 30+ attachments from Pixel Gun 3D ported to H3VR!Pixel Gun 3D Mega Pack
H3VR's largest Pixel Gun 3D weapon mod to date (the competition was stiff, I assure you), featuring 60+ different firearms, 5 melee weapons, and 30+ attachments from that mobile game from ten years ago!
Check out all the guns!
...and all the attachments!
The world's your oyster.
- A LOT of ranged weapons
- 13 pistols
- 7 shotguns
- 11 rifles
- 7 machineguns
- 9 sniper weapons
- 6 "special" weapons (flamethrowers, projectile throwers, ect.)
- 11 launchers
- 2 throwable gadgets
- 5 melee weapons
- 30+ attachments (red dot, scope, bayonet, UBGL, attachable stock, ect.)
- 30+ round types, from 9x19mm Pixelbellum to Harpoons
- Custom effects for muzzle flashes/smoke, bullet tracers, and explosions
- Faithful sound effects
- Alternate ammo types for most calibers (from hollow points to ratshot)
- All the nostalgia with none of the pay-to-win!
- All weapons can be found under the "Pixel Gun 3D" category in the Firearms tab of the item spawner. Attachments and magazines/cartridges can be found under similar categories in the Attachments and Ammo tabs.
- Some of the guns have less-than-standard operating procedures. Don't be afraid to think outside the box a little or ask for help on the H3VR Modding Discord server.
- All assets from Pixel Gun 3D, including models, textures, and sound effects, are property of Cubic Games.
- 180081 Rilfe Suppressor 01.WAV by FST180081 -- https://freesound.org/s/441807/ -- License: Attribution 4.0