A new lategame moon featuring a variety of environments and light interactive elements.



Small regions of habitable forest surrounded by mountains and barren deserts. The moon's surface is dotted by bizarre architecture.


Neither the function nor the origin of the moon's strange structures is known. Some speculate they once served a religious or artistic purpose. It's also unclear how long the moon's environment has been in this strangely divided state. More recently, industrial efforts were set up in its forests, but now lie abandoned. Only The Company still has operations here.


The limited habitats on the moon make its forests densely populated by aggressive creatures.






Show images
Exterior areas

ExteriorPicture1 ExteriorPicture2 ExteriorPicture3 ExteriorPicture4 ExteriorPicture5 ExteriorPicture6 ExteriorPicture7

Main structure

StructurePicture1 StructurePicture2 StructurePicture3 StructurePicture4 StructurePicture5


MysteriousPicture1 MysteriousPicture2 MysteriousPicture3

Design Philosophy

My goal with this moon (other than making a fun map for Lethal Company sessions with my friends) was to:

  1. Create a moon which (relatively) fit in with the base game moons

  2. Fill the niche of a lategame moon (slightly post-Titan)

  3. Still introduce some new mechanics without making it feel too out of place

I have experience with programming and mapmaking in other mediums, but Unity is still new to me. So, especially given the new mechanics I've tried to implement, please forgive any issues and let me know about them so I can try to fix them!

Recommended Mods

If you don't have them already, try using Loadstone by AdiBTW to significantly speed up load times and LCMaxSoundsFix by Hardy if you encounter issues with sound effects being cut off.

Numbers for Nerds

I lament that moons don't often tell you their exact stats, so in case you want to know, here are the important values for Wither (beware of spoilers if you want to keep the moon's scrap and enemy spawns mysterious):

Show moon stats [SPOILERS]
Cost 800
Possible Weather Rainy, Stormy, Foggy, DustClouds, Eclipsed
Factory Size Multiplier 2.2
Interior Weights
Mineshaft 300 (60%)
Factory 175 (35%)
Mansion 25 (5%)
Map Hazard Spawns Above average landmines, average to low turrets, some spike traps
Minimum Scrap 33
Maximum Scrap 36
Minimum Scrap Value 300
Maximum Scrap Value 800
Maximum Indoor Power 19
Maximum Outdoor Power 15
Maximum Daytime Power 20
Indoor Spawn Curve Initially quite slow, with agressive late spikes
Outdoor Spawn Curve A quick bump early on, then slowly climbing for the remainder
Indoor Enemy Weights
Thumper 50 (12.5%)
Spider 50 (12.5%)
Bracken 45 (11.25%)
Hoarder Bug 40 (10%)
Nutcracker 35 (8.75%)
Centipede 30 (7.5%)
Coilhead 25 (6.25%)
Jester 25 (6.25%)
Mask 23 (5.75%)
Hygrodere 20 (5%)
Girl 20 (5%)
Spore Lizard 17 (4.25%)
Maneater 15 (3.75%)
Barber 5 (1.25%)
Outdoor Enemy Weights
Forest Keeper 60 (50%)
Eyeless Dog 30 (25%)
Baboon Hawk 20 (16.67%)
Earth Leviathan 8 (6.67%)
Old Bird 2 (1.67%)


All assets used are either from the basegame (thank you Zeekers), the Unity asset store, or made/altered by myself.

Tools used:

  • JLL by JacobG5
  • TerraMesh by v0xx
  • Water shader by dopadream

Special thanks:

  • Audio Knight/Starlancer for his fantastic tutorial
  • The moon Kast by Ceelery, a great example of a vanilla-style lategame moon
  • Magic Wesley for showing how far custom moons can go
  • IAmBatby, Evaisa, Nomnom, and the many others in the community who have contributed to Lethal Level Loader and the vast collection of modding tools


Let me know about any suggestions or issues with the map on the GitHub or the Discord forum thread.

I'm ScienceBird, I also do Twitter art sometimes and am part of the Minecraft modding team Rasa Novum. Check us out on CurseForge or Modrinth if you're interested in highly polished, balanced, yet simple Minecraft mods.

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