Greater enemy variety in spawnpools, interactables quality of life, some things for Eclipse, Prismatic Runs, and some more.Info
This mod is required by all players.
If you wish to use this mod with players who do not have it. You can disable any new content added by this mod.
This includes, the new Twisted Scavengers, Red Multishops and Aquaduct Elders using bands.
Spawn Pools
A couple enemies have been moved or replaced to encourage enemy diversity.
Check Mod Wiki Tab on details.
Grovetender will replace Stone Titan in Sundered Grove and Bighorn Bison spawn in Snowy Forest as examples.
Every stage will have at least 1 enemy addition on loops.
Adds Clay, Solus, Parent, Worms and Vermin Family Events and cleans up Family variety for more diversity.
The Gup family event now spawns Geep and Gip too.
Family events are now a 1/45 instead of 1/50 chance.
Rare Printers, Cleansing Pools and Mountain Shrines are made more common.
Shrine of Order and TC280 (on loops) will spawn on some additional stages.
Makes Shrine of Blood, Combat, Order, Healing, Lunar Chest, Void Potential, Tc280 cost less to spawn.
Plains/Roost and Sirens/Grove get a small amount more interactable credits to even them out against Siphoned/Verdant/Shattered, Abyssal.
Gilded Coast will have some interactables. (Combat Shrines, Cleansing Pools, a chest or two more)
Primordial Teleporter will always have a Purple Orb to Void Locust.
Deep Void Signal now takes 45 seconds instead of 60.
Void Fields, Void Locust and Planetarium now all have stopped time, but count as a stage when completed.
Void Fields cells now charge faster (30s for the first 4, 45s for the next 4, 60 for the last).
Cells now have a regenerating aura before activating them.
The Bazaar has a third Lunar Seer.
Every 5th stage will also have a Celestial Portal on loops.
(Feels weird going to Twisted in the middle of a loop)
Config for raising the enemy level cap to 999.
-(Will make stage 10+ a lot harder).
Tier 2 elites have been made cheaper. (30x instead of 36x)
-(Both of these be turned off anytime ingame via Risk of Options)
False Son gets Adaptive Armor on loops and is now freeze-able.
Elite Scavengers will be given more items.
Scavengers can be encountered as bosses and will be given 2 of a Boss Item.
Adds 3 new Twisted Scavengers.
The Aquaduct Elder Lemurians now activate their Bands and scale with difficulty.
Healing Cores from Mending Elites now increase healing with level.
Equipment Drones use their Equipment when targeting you so they can still use it when no enemies are around.
Faster Interactables : Printers, Scrappers and Shrines take less time between uses.
A new rare interactable, Mili-Multi Shop.
Red to White Cauldrons now grant 4 White items instead of 3.
Shrine of Blood now costs 50/70/90% blood.
Shrine of Blood now gives 40/70/100 gold regardless of base health. (Scales with time)
Shrine of Woods price reduced from 25/37/55 to 10/13/18/25.
Gunner Turret price reduced from 35 to 25.
TC280 price reduced from 350 to 300.
Elite Equipment have a 1/1500 chance of dropping.
Boss items are now a 20% chance to drop from a teleporter instead of 15%
Items teleport up if they fall off the map.
Fixes vanilla bug where Twisted Scavengers don't scale in multiplayer.
Captain keeps his abilities in Hidden Realms
Huntress will now use 2 Ballistas for 6 Shots per cast if you have two from Lysate Cell.
Acrid is invulnerable during his spawn animation.
Commando is invulnerable during his default roll. x
You can choose artifacts generally considered challenging or variety. (Death, Dissonance)
Allows runs to access Moment Fractured, and enter Moment Whole without Beads.
Allows runs to access Void Locust to end the run via Voidling.
(Can add more variety during Eclipse climb if you loop, but Mithrix would still be the easiest)
Prismatic Trials
Prismatic Trial is now available with changes and fixes it for multiplayer use.
Default settings are a remixed version of Prismatic Trials:
-Choose your own Artifacts
-Stages progress in Order
-Doesn't end by default
-Bosses get elite equipment starting stage 4
-Forced Elites can be any elite instead of just Overloading/Blazing
-Stage 4/5 require more crystals to be broken
-Crystals cash reward scales with time.
You can still enable default Prismatic settings or random stage order if you want.
This mod makes the game easier.
Making the stages interactables credits more equal and having less credits spent on bad interactables adds up to more interactables. Not too many but probably a noticible difference.
Report bugs to @Wolfo.wolfo in the Risk of Rain 2 discord or RoR2 Modding discord.
If you're reporting a bug that isn't something obvious include the log file.
Every player needs this mod installed.
Most things are configuerable.
Also download my other mods