
Made "Eclipse allowed artifacts" a blacklist by default.
Added a config to allow all artifacts in Eclipse mode to further avoid the issue.
Fixed an issue with Scavs getting boss items.
Fixed Eclipse Void and Moment Whole config being switched around.

Removed Wloop as dependence.
Removed various monster additions that are intended for loop weather, are now part of that mod technically.

Made Stage 5s also have a Celestial Portal on loops.

Allowed Eclipse runs to access Moment Whole to end via Twisted Scavs (can't Obliterate, always takes you to Moment Whole)
Allowed Eclipse runs to access Void Locus to end via Voidling
Can now choose challenge/variety Artifacts for Eclipse. (Dissonance)

Gave TC280 20 Armor and "ResistantToAoe". Costs 35 Credits instead of 25.
Made Greater Wisp cheaper to spawn.
ReAdded loop parent/grandparent to Abyssal during non-variant.

Beetle Family will now use Sulfur skin on Sulfur Pools
Fixed Large Category Chests being way too common on Sots Stages and added config to disable it.

Fixed incorrect elite tier being modified when used with mods that add elite tiers.
Removed Lunar Wisp from Loop Acres.
Added Lunar enemies to Loop Sanctuary to match loop weather.

Made Tier2 elites cheaper (30x instead of 36x)
-This and level 999 config can be turned off ingame via Risk of Options and will update mid run.

Mod now only edits one set of spawn pools. (Decided based on DLCs you own)(Helps with load times)
Added Large Category chests to the 5 new stages.
All void enemies can now spawn during Escape Sequence on Loops.

For level 999 config.
-Disabled level up effect and noise after level 200.
-Final bosses limited to level 200 since they get bonus stats.

Added some options to Risk of Options.
Added config to disable all content added by mod. (For Host only mod packs. Only Clients having this mod probably doesn't do anything)
TP Item hook activates sooner. Should save more Lunar Coins.

Changed item teleport implementation to avoid messing with physics layers.
Fixed Scorch Wurm not being removed from Rallypoint.
Loop Greater Wisp on Siphoned because they look nice with Borealis.
Loop Solus Probe on Rallypoint Delta
Loop Lunar enemies on Prime Meridian
Loop Lunar Golem on Disturbed Impact
Loop Lunar Wisp on Scorched Acres

v3.2.3 - Made Sots spawn pool fixes standalone, added as dependency.
Toned down Halcyonites replacing Golems during Shrines and added Config for it.
Toned down Halcyonite Shrines Monster spawning in general.
-80 monster credits per wave, 240 Total (Vanilla is: 100 pre wave, 300 Total)(Void Seed in comparison only has 120 Credits)

!Fixed Golem Plains never using it's Sots enemy spawn pool. (Loop Halcyionite is meant to spawn here)
+Emergency Drone on Sulfur Pools
+Loop Exploder on Sulfur Pools
~Scorch Wurm on Sulfur Pools (Removed in Rallypoint)
+Loop Brass Contraption on Reformed Altar

v3.2.1 - Sulfur Pool Beetle config now works without having spawn pools config enabled.
Loop Weathers now seperate mod as dependency and added 4 more.

!Fixed Siphoned Forest never using it's Sots enemy spawn pool. (Why would they add loop scorchling here tho?)
!Fixed Treeborn having its Cleansing Pool replaced with a Blood Shrine in it's Sotv interactables pool. (???)
!Added Loop Cleansing Pools to Verdant Falls & Distant Roost. 
-Because the spawn pools for when you only have Sots have them. But not any of the other 3 spawn pools. (???)

Made False Son freeze-able.
Made False Son get Adapative Armor on loops.

Made the tar in Aquaduct apply Tar Slow.
Made the Rallypoint Timed Chest time requirement scale on loops. (5 minutes per stage)
Made Blood Shrines consistently give 2/3/4 chests worth of gold at normal health instead of scaling with time.
Halcyon Shrines might spawn Halcyonites instead of Golems on later stages.
Moved "Lunar Family" into "invasion" category where Void Family events are and added it to more stages.

!Fixed Verdant Falls never using it's Sots enemy spawn pool. (It's meant to spawn Children)
Added requested config to disable changes per Stage. (Enemy + Interactable + More Credits changes)
Added requested config for Regen Cells and Beetle Skin.

v3.1.0 -
Added 2 loop weathers variants. (Sunset Plains, Dusk Acres) (No terrain chanes)

The portal after False Son now takes you to A stage 5 instead of always Helminth Roost.

Void Fields, Void Locus and Planetarium now all count as a stage but don't have time pass.
Cells now take less time to charge.
(30 for the first 4, 45 the next 4, 60 the last)
(3 minutes less charging)
Cells now emmit regeneration before activation.

!Fixed Disturbed Impact using the wrong interactables spawn pool. (Vanilla bug)
!Fixed Golden Dieback using the wrong monster and interactable spawn pool. (Vanilla bug)
!Fixed old stage 3s, 4s, 5s never spawning Sots interactables. (Vanilla bug)
!Fixed Distant Roost(2) never spawning Sotv or Sots monsters or interactables. (Gearbox reintroduced this bug)
!Fixed Wetlands Aspect never spawning Sotv or Sots monsters or interactables. (Gearbox reintroduced this bug)

~Replaced Lesser Wisp with Jellyfish on Verdant/Viscous Falls
+Loop Parent on Viscous Falls
+Loop Solus Control Unit on Viscous Falls

+Loop Hermit Crab on Aquaduct
~Moved Loop Acid Larva from Aquaduct to Wetlands
+Bison on Reformed Altar
~More minibosses on Reformed Altar

!Less Grandparent on Helminth
+Likelier Void Devestators from Void Seeds. (Especially on Loops)
~Adjusted rates of various loop exclusive enemies.

Added TC280 to Disturbed Impact
Added Shrine of Order to Shattered Abode, Reformed Altar (as Shrine)
Added Shrine of Order to Siphoned Forest, Aphelian Sanctuary, Void Fields (as Rare)

Shrine of Shaping now costs 40 credits (instead of 50) and only starts spawning on stage 3 (instead of 2).

XI construct now flees less, hopefully making the fight better.
Mod no longer increases Yellow Printer rates.
Boss item drop rate lowered to 1/5 (down from 1/4)
Config to allow enemies to level up to 999. (Disabled by default)

Less interactables in Gilded Coast
Yellow printers no longer appear on stage 2 (mod was meant to make them stage 3 earliest but didn't work)
Fix Halc Shrines not draining gold faster from prev patch.
Blood Shrines now take 50/70/90 health. 
-Ever since Sotv items 75 health cost sucked.

Added config for 1 Category Chest per stage. (Won't be adding new stages to this but someone asked for it.)
Added config for faster Halcy shrine.

!Moved all item buffs into their own mod.
-Nerfed Aquaduct Elders (half health, half damage, since this mod makes them scale and activate bands)
-Vermin pre-loop on Forest (mod bug fix)
-Halcy Shrine drains gold 3x faster.

v3.0.0 - Sots Support
"Fixed" vanila bug where wrong spawn pools are often chosen.
Added Child to Parent family
Added Scorch Wurm to Worm family

Updated DLC2 Monster Spawn pools with previous changes
*No Longer removes Lesser Wisp from Snowy Forest
+Grovetender on Reformed Altar
+Loop Child on Acres
*Moved Blind Pest from Reformed Altar to Treeborn.
+Loop Mushroom on Treeborn
+Grandparent to Helminth
+Loop Lunar Chimera on Helminth

Updated DLC2 Interactable Spawn pools with previous changes
*No longer removes 2 of the small category chests per stage

Fixed Third Seer spawning outside of the map after the update
Added optional Knurlf buff to grant armor.
Added Config for Aquaduct Elder Lemurian buffs.
Removed Happiest Mask from Twisted Scav, as apparently rework mods could spawn infinite of them.

v2.9.9 - Sots fix
Content not updated for Sots yet just fixes.

v2.5.9 - Fixed storepage image being gone due to Discord.
-Scav Bosses will no longer get more white/green items.
-Nerfed Twisted Scavenger damage by 25%.
-Made Combat Shrine enemies not have multiplied hp in multiplayer.
-Fixed an issue with Wake of Vultures stealing Void elite buff and ZetAspects
-Readded Beetle on Sulfurpools and made Beetles use their unused Sulfur skins.

-Quabquab spawns Gummy Quabquabs more often.
-Gummy Quabquabs no longer recieve Goobo Jr.
-Fixed vanilla bug where Twisted Scav encounter always scaled as 0 players.

-Removed Skins
--Moved to SimulacrumAddtions as rewards

-Attempt 3 to fix Prismatic Crystals Client.
(Previous fix was also internet connection dependent so it didn't work)
-Option to nerf Voidling (40% less damage, 20/10% less health for phase 1/2) (Default false)
-Prismatic Final bosses will get less damage if Fire/Lightning/Voidtouched.

-Prismatic Trial :\
--Moved client fix later so that it hopefully works all the time now.\
--All bosses won't be the same elite per stage anymore.\
--TP radius will now have correct radius on clients.  
-Buffed Quabquab

-Fixed Third Lunar Seer spawning improperly on clients.
-Gave Kjarao/Runald more HP
-Scavengers will be less common as a boss
-Twisted Scavengers won't be elite anymore during a Prismatic Trial
-Twisted Scavengers are now immune to Void Implosions like other final bosses
-Removed SimulacrumAdditions as a dependency.

Fix RedToWhite Cauldron dropping bonus 3 times leading to 9 items instead of 5.  
Decorational Gold Shrines no longer show their icon.
Healing Core now starts with some invulnerability

Fix for Risky Mod as we both edit spawn pools  

v2.5.0 - Cleanup && Mod Split   
-Made Simulacrum Tweaks it's own mod  
--Added that mod as a dependecy for now so Mod should be automatically downloaded  
-Moved GameplayQoL from WolfoQoL to here.  
--Third Lunar Seer  
--Slightly Faster Interactables  
-Prismatic Trial as proper gamemode  
--You can choose modifiers/artifacts now  
--As the default is a endless, stages in order gamemode, various things are adjusted to fit more with that  
-Red Multishop  
-3 New twisted scavs  
-Gilded Coast now spawns with some shrines  
-Worms Family  
-Elite Scavs get more items  
-More Mountains  
-More Void Locust Portals  
-Shorter Deep Void Signal  
-Worm on Meadow  
-Lamps on Loop Shipgrave  
-Married Elder Lemurian scale now  
-Married Elders activate Bands  
-Laser Scope grants +10 Crit on first stack  
-Defense Nucleus Constructs gets Wake of Wultures  
-Invulnerable Commando Roll  

v2.0.4 QuickUpdate for\
* Config for Simu Ending, when it starts appearing, how many waves until the next
* Same Configs for Simu Forced major Special Boss.
* Ending is now every 30 waves starting at 60.
* Forced Special boss is now every 60 waves starting at 60. (They still occur randomly anyways)
* Equipment Drone Boss Wave nerf and can't happen until wave 15.
* Simu Special Scaling less strong in Multiplayer

* Simus Ending now uses it's own ending
* Bug fixes

* Config for Captain keeping his abilities in Hidden Realms
* Config for Mechanical Squid Turret
* Config for Stricter enemy blacklist in Simu
* Enemy Documentation now viewable next to config file in r2modman
* Bug fixes

* Updated to Survivors of the Void
* Simulacrum : More Augments
* Simulacrum : Every stage uses it's own interactable pool instead of all the same.
* Simulacrum : Quality of Life, Balance and Bug Fixes
* Finishes the Void Elite Aspect and allows it to be obtained.
* Perfected Elites have a chance to spawn for Eulogy Zero
* Adds 3 Skins, 2 self made and 1 that's unused in the files but finished.
* Captain keeps his abilities in all stages

v1.0.1 - Fixed the Submodule

v1.0.0 - Release.
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