An elegant chat for a more civilized age.Chatter
An elegant chat for a more civilized age.
Complete rewrite!
- Now with full TextMeshPro support!
- Configuration options have changed, please adjust back to preference.
- Some features are missing and will be added in later updates:
- Configuration options for text input field.
- OS font support.
- Screenshots need to be updated.
- Change the chat font to any built-in game fonts as well as fonts on the computer.
- Configure the font colors for every chat message type.
- Toggle on/off the display of chat messages by type (see below).
- Use hot-keys (default:
) to scroll through the chat messages. - Chat panel will auto-hide by dimming to 0% (configurable) after 5s (configurable).
- Use any color for the chat panel background!
- Move and resize the chat panel using the mouse (see below).
- Change change layouts on the fly between
layouts (see below). - Chat filters with a dynamic UI.
- Set the default chat message type from say to say/shout/whisper!
- Set the default content row toggles to enable on start!
to show the move/resize/toggle bar.
Change Message Layouts
The message layout can be switched at anytime in configuration manager and messages will be rebuilt immediately.
Chat Filters
Add/edit/remove text filters for every type of chat message using a custom drawer in ConfigurationManager.
- Filters only affect messages in Chatter's window.
- Changing any text filters will only apply to new incoming messages.
- This is still an experimental custom drawer so please report any bugs.
Change default chat message type
- Change the default chat message type: type
and press Enter. - Set the initial default message type to use at game start with config option
Almost every component of the UI is configurable and mosty changes will be reflected immediately.
- See source at: GitHub/ComfyMods.
- Looking for a chill Valheim server? Comfy Valheim Discord
- Chatter icon created by @jenniely (