
  • You can color the glow effect of any ward using RGB and HTML color codes!
  • Those without the mod installed will still see the default yellow glow.


Changing ward glow effect color

  • In-game, press F1 to bring up the ConfigurationManager and navigate to the ColorfulWards section.
    • Change the target color using the RGB sliders or using an HTML color code.
  • Hover over any ward that you are the owner of and a prompt to change its color will appear.
    • This prompt can be hidden by disabling the showChangeColorHoverText setting.
  • Hit LeftShift + E (configurable) to change the color of the ward glow effect.

Ward vertical radius

  • Wards will now only extend/cover its default radius (30m) on the vertical/Y axis.
    • Can be toggled on/off in configuration options.
  • In the vanilla game, the range is infinite on the Y axis and the default radius on the XZ axis.




  • Fixed for the v0.217.14 patch.
  • Extracted all patch logic into separate classes.
  • Created new PrivateAreaColor component to encapsulate and simplify ward coloring logic.
  • Rewrote the PrivateArea.IsInside() from a prefix-patch to transpiler.
  • TargetWardColor now uses new ExtendedColorConfigEntry used in other colorful mods.
  • Modified the keyboard shortcut logic to prevent further keypress if a the action was performed.


  • Updated for the v0.216.9 patch.
  • Modified Player.TakeInput() transpiler to happen after Player.UpdateHover() and no longer block other inputs.
  • Modified ChangeWardColor to no longer be a coroutine.


  • Fixed a bug with the Player.TakeInput() transpiler blocking other inputs with the same keybind.


  • Moved change color code from PrivateArea.Interact() prefix to Player.TakeInput() transpiler with coroutine.
    • Can now configure the hot-key to change ward color.
  • Removed configuration option for colorPromptFontSize (UI overhaul coming later).
  • Extracted configuration options into new PluginConfig class.
  • Added manifest.json, icon.png and updated this
  • Modified the project file to automatically create a versioned Thunderstore package.


  • Updated for Hearth & Home.
  • Added WardLastColoredBy ZDO tag that is set to the last Player that modifies the Ward color.
  • Added an option to change the font-size for the text prompt on hover.


  • Fixed a memory-leak when caching PrivateArea/Wards.


  • Adding configuration setting to hide the 'change color' prompt over a ward.
  • Now saves the target color's alpha value to the ZDO and reads/uses this alpha value if present in the ZDO.
    • However, there isn't any apparent effect/use for color alpha for ward lights and particle systems.'


  • Initial release.
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