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Armor Slots

  • Armor slots for items place in the bottom row of the new 8x5 inventory grid.
  • Armor may only be placed here on equip and moved out on unequip.
  • Armor will not unequip if there is insufficient inventory space (no empty spots in the original 8x4 inventory grid or 3 quick slots).

Quick Slots

  • Quick slots are configurable via the F1 configuration manager but default to Z, V, and B for item use.
  • GUI will display items in quickslots next to forsaken power. Configurable via configuration manager with F1.

On Death

  • Items in armor slots and quick slots will be placed on a second, smaller grave that spawns on top of the regular player tombstone while the regular inventory will be in the usual 8x4 player grave.
  • This is to avoid issues with unmodded players opening graves and thus deleting items.


Before Installation

  • If you are uninstalling this mod or re-installing it after a period of playing without it, remove all items from your inventory prior to doing so.


  • Un-zip ComfyQuickSlots.dll to your /Valheim/BepInEx/plugins/ folder.

Thunderstore (manual)

  • Go to Settings > Import local mod > Select
  • Click "OK/Import local mod" on the pop-up for information.


  • If using better UI set showDurabilityColor to disabled to prevent error log spam.
  • If a character is logged into unmodded after a player save using this mod, any deltas in the inventory between the last modded save and a vanilla save will be overwritten by the last modded save.
  • This is a rework of Randy Knapp's Equipment and Quick Slots mod that looks to fix the issues around item deletion as well as issues around vanilla and modded player interaction.
  • Tombstone handling modeled off Fang86's MoreSlots mod.
  • See source at: GitHub.
  • Looking for a chill Valheim server? Comfy Valheim Discord
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