

  • Recompiled for Valheim version 0.219.16
  • Correctd mis-matched version numbers for the mod


  • Uploaded under the correct team name


  • Corrected a bug that would sometimes apply double gamma value when the Ashlands Always On setting was enabled
  • Adjusted max gamma value to 1.299f


  • Adjusted check for IsCustomNight to actually work and not just pretend to work.
  • Added an option to have the mod always on in the Ashlands. This should supercede other gamma settings
  • Moved several patches into a separate class


  • Bumped version to 1.0.0 for release.


  • Changed mod behavior to only be active during the in game night and not all the time
  • Modified support for zones that are always dark (dungeons, the swamps, etc.) to be in line with other options
  • Added custom Start of Day and Start of Night options to allow for custom start/stop times
  • Added toggle to enable/disable custom day and night timers
  • Bumped up <LangVersion> to C# 10


  • Initial test version of ICanSeeClearlyNow, Comfy Specific fork of Coldspirit's GammaMod.
  • Renamed mod to differentiate between the Comfy Specific version of the mod and the Author's original version
  • Locked the minimum gamma value to 0.3f and maximum value to 0.99f
  • Adjusted code to be closer aligned with Comfy Standards
  • Renamed Config Options to align with Comfy Standards


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