Boss disappears if there are no players nearby. Now with white and black list and time to go back(no more instant despawn)BossDespawn
If there are no players left next to the boss, he will wait for a certain time and only then, if there are still no players next to him, he will disappear.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 110
# Acceptable value range: From 25 to 250
Despawn radius = 110
# Setting type: BossFilterMode
# Default value: BlackList
# Acceptable values: BlackList, WhiteList
Boss filter mode = BlackList
## Only the listed bosses will disappear. List with ", ". Don't forget to specify the whitelist mode.
# Setting type: String
# Default value:
Bosses white list =
## The listed bosses will not disappear. List with ", ". Don't forget to specify the blacklist mode.
# Setting type: String
# Default value:
Bosses black list = GoblinKing, SomeBoss
## In minutes! At the moment when there is not a single player left around the boss, the timer starts for this time. After it expires, the boss will check if there are players around him, and if not, it will destroy itself.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
Despawn delay = 5
If something does not work for you, you have found any bugs, there are any suggestions, then be sure to write to me!
Discord justafrogger