Adds different Potions which heal in PERCENTS and not an absolute value, with easy configurable recipes.Healingpotions
Healingpotions adds four different Healing-, Stamina- and Eitr-Potions that will add different percent values of your current maximal stat and are crafted in a cauldron.
As the only alternative for vanilla meads (at least i currently found) only adds absolute values this one adds a percentage of your current base stat. You will get the difference when having around 300 of a stat :)
Each of the potion recipes need by default Dandelion as base item (configurable).
The second required item specifies the quality of the potion.
- Mushroom = Small Potion = gives 25% of the stat back
- Thistle = Medium Potion = gives 50% of the stat back
- Obsidian = Huge Potion = gives 75% of the stat back
- Flax = Godly Potion = gives 100% of the stat back
The 3rd item specifies the type of the potion.
- Raspberry = Healing Potion
- Blueberries = Stamina Potion
- MushroomYellow = Eitr/Mana Potion
- the potions look nice as decoration on an itemstand (depending on taste)
- each potion has a configurable cooldown before next use
- the item(s) to be used and amount are totally configurable
Official BepInEx ConfigurationManager by Azumat is supported.
The only quirk which requires restarting the game is when enabling/disabling bottles,
as my Mod is not able to add/remove the items dynamically.
All other settings like amounts/item names are updated on the fly.
Other ConfigurationManagers like from cjayride may or may not work as i have not tested them.
- changed Jotunn Version Dependency to 2.23.2
- changed Jotunn Version Dependency to 2.10.4
- updated/added icons for the bottles
- added ability to configure most settings (ServerSync enabled)
- added Stamina potions
- added Eitr (Mana) potions
- changed default requirements for healing potions
- updated unity asset-bundle
- updated assets
- added better looking models for the potions
- added fancy pointlight to bottle, when in itemstand
- fixed a bug which threw an error when logging out of valheim (Thx to Margmas!)
- removed falsely assigned "pickable" script from asset, which in some cases prevented picking up a dropped potion
- fine tuned the clay-part texture to look more like Valheim item
Initial Version
go to beloved "schattentraum" for her supervision of my stuff and ideas for improvement
and to the great, supporting community of the Jötunn Mod - you are awesome!