Make consumable items like food and potions drop other items into a player's inventory when used.Residual Remnants
What, you ate the bone too?
This is a small mod that allows you to specify whether consumable items drop something into the player's inventory when consumed.
Why would I use this?
- Want to make food like meat give the player a bone when eaten? Now you can.
- Want to make meads and potions drop an empty bottle when used? Now you can. Empty bottle not included - but the Herbalist mod has one!
Example Configuration
All configuration can be found in maxfoxgaming.residualremnants.yml. On load, an example YML will be generated that you can modify and change to your needs.
- RemnantPrefabName: BoneFragments
Enabled: false
Amount: 1
Probability: 1
- CookedMeat
- CookedDeerMeat
- NeckTailGrilled
The following configuration options are available:
: The item that drops when an item is consumed.Enabled
: If false, turns off this drop from the config.Amount
: The number of the remnant to drop.Probability
: A number between 0 and 1. Determines how likely the item is to drop. A value of 0.5 will drop the item 50% of the time.ConsumablePrefabs
: A list of item prefabs that will drop this remnant.
Contact Me (Bug Reports & Suggestions)
If you have any suggestions, or experience bugs / problems using this mod please get in touch with me on my Discord.
Changelog 1.0.0
- Initial Release
Move the 'plugins' folder from the archive to your BepInEx folder.