

A lightweight mod to replace Mountain biomes in Deep North with more Deep North. This is only useful if you have mods that add locations, vegetation, mobs, etc. to Deep North. If you use any mods that modify maps or terrain, I highly recommend testing this out for compatibility issues.


This mod uses ServerSync ( to ensure the mod is running on both the client and server.

Therzie WarfareFireAndIce compatibility

This mod's functionality is built into WarfareFireAndIce starting with version 2.0.7. DeeperNorth will check for the mod and be disabled if it exists but should be uninstalled if you're using WarfareFireAndIce 2.0.7 or newer.

Expand World Size compatibility

Added compatibility with EWS to allow for larger maps to work as expected.


BACK UP YOUR EXISTING WORLD BEFORE USING THIS MOD! This mod needs to be installed on the server and client to work properly. Installing on one or the other will result in issues with creature spawning, location and vegetation generation, and possibly other unknown issues.


If a client sees a disconnect message that says "Incompatible version" it means the mod is not installed on the client. Check the server log for more information.


The minimap will still show Mountain terrain. If people find this mod useful, I can work on correcting that. There is no config needed, as all the mod does is make all of Deep North the same biome, regardless of elevation.

Adding to existing worlds

If no one has explored Deep North on your world yet, you can use the command "genloc" which regenerates locations in unexplored areas. If you have already explored Deep North, you will need to use UpgradeWorld by JereKuusela to reset the locations in those areas. For vegetation, you need to use UpgradeWorld to reset vegetation if you've already explored Deep North. Vegetation will generate automatically if you haven't explored DN yet.


Thanks to Therzie, JereKuusela, Azumatt, and blaxxun for the work they do in the modding community!


Please report any issues here:

I can be reached on Therzie's Discord (username NullPointerCollection/nickname Shark) here:

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