A `Basement` alternative, a more castle-like private basement. Now with Deco and BuildKit pieces! Fixed compatibility for ComfyGizmo Mod!OdinsUndercroft
by: OdinPlus
OdinsUndercroft is a private basement more fitting for a viking lord then some dirty hole in the ground.
A buildable "Dungeon/Undercroft" added to the Hammer under your Crafting Tab.
New 3 teleport locations within Undercroft (2 rooms and 1 hallway) for you to decorate.
Prevent accidental demolish when building inside.
Range check to prevent building too close to another Undercroft.
Heavy performance optimization within Undercroft!
Install Notes:
Mod is required on both server and client for config sync to work with crafting requirements.
Manual Install:
Please download the latest copy of Bepinex per author's instructions.
Place the Mods Folder inside of the "Bepinex\plugins" folder.
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