
This is a readme file for TheAllHusher mod that utilizes ServerSync for configuration management. This system allows you to customize various in-game aspects without modifying game files.


  • Multiplayer
    • Requires server and clients to have the mod installed

How to show your support

Your support, however you choose to contribute, is greatly appreciated!

Configuration File

The mod creates a configuration file named BepInEx/config/com.Plagueheart.TheAllHusher.cfg.

Configuration Options

The configuration file contains the following sections:

[1 - General]

  • Enable Logging (On/Off): Default: Off

    • Controls whether the mod generates debug/trace logs for troubleshooting purposes.
    • Enabling logging might create additional files and impact performance slightly.
  • Lock Configuration (On/Off): Default: On

    • (Server-only)
    • This setting is server-specific and likely requires server administrator privileges to modify.
    • When enabled, only authorized personnel (those with server administration access) can change configuration values. Disabling allows client-side modifications as well.

[2 - Chat]

  • Crafting Bench (On/Off): Default: On

    • Enables or disables the suppression of chat messages while using the crafting bench.
    • Enabling this option can improve focus and reduce chat clutter during crafting.
  • Chat Ping (On/Off): Default: On

    • Determines whether users can opt-out of being visible on the world map when pinged in chat.
    • Enabling this option provides players more control over their privacy.
  • Chat Ping Style

    • Default: ExcludeWorldMap , ExcludePlayerHead

    • Requires Chat Ping to be enabled (see above)

    • This option determines how chat pings using the /s command are displayed when Chat Ping is enabled:

      • Bitwise Flag Operation:
        • ExcludeWorldMap: Hides chat pings from the 2D world map.
        • ExcludePlayerHead: Hides chat pings from the 3D world above player locations.
  • Chat Format Style

    • Default: ShoutDefault , WhisperDefault

    • This option controls how /w (whispers) and /s (shouts) appear in the chat.

    • Bitwise Flag Operation:

      • ShoutDefault: Uses the default behavior for shouts, which is uppercase formatting.
      • ShoutForceLowercase: Forces all shouts to be in lowercase, regardless of how they are typed.
      • ShoutNoRestrictions: Allows shouts to be typed without any formatting restrictions.
      • WhisperDefault: Uses the default behavior for whispers, which is lowercase formatting.
      • WhisperNoRestrictions: Allows whispers to be typed without any formatting restrictions.

[3 - Merchant]

  • Merchant Visibility:
    • Default: HaldorDefault , HildirDefault
    • Controls how the merchants appear on the world map.
    • Bitwise Flag Operation:
      • HaldorDefault: Show Haldor the Merchant by default.
      • HaldorHidden: Hides Haldor the Merchant from the world map.
      • HildirDefault: Show Hildir the Merchant by default.
      • HildirHidden: Hides Hildir the Merchant from the world map.

[4 - Event]

  • Raid Style:
    • Default: ShowAll
    • Controls the display settings for the raid events.
    • Bitwise Flag Operation:
      • ShowAll: Default behavior for raid events, overrides regardless of other flags.
      • HideIcon: Hide the Raid Icon on the minimap and world map.
      • HideEventName: Hide the Raid event name in the center of player screen.

[5 - HUD]

  • Display:
    • Default: ShowAll
    • Toggles the targeted enemy HUD for Player, Bosses etc.
    • Hiding HUD elements will include the Health Bar, Star level, Name, Awareness / Aggro indicator
    • Bitwise Flag Operation:
      • ShowAll: Show All HUD elements, overrides regardless of other flags.
      • HidePlayer: Hide the player's HUD.
      • HideBoss: Hide the HUD for bosses.
      • HideMonster: Hide the HUD for monsters (excluding bosses).
      • HideMount: Hide the HUD for player mounts.
      • HideTame: Hide the HUD for tamed creatures.

How to Use the Mod

This mod introduces new functionalities related to player visibility and chat behavior.

World Map

  • Enable Player Visibility:
    • Broadcasts messages sent using the /s command to all players via world map.
    • Displays a 3D text bubble above the player's head when using /s.
  • Disable Player Visibility:
    • Disables broadcasting messages sent using the /s command via world map.
    • Hides the 3D text bubble above the player's head when using /s.

Workbench Behavior

  • Chat During Workbench Use:
    • Hides incoming chat messages while the player is using the workbench.
    • Displays any hidden messages upon exiting the workbench to prevent missing important information.

Manual Installation

Server-Player or Client-Side Configuration

  1. Download and Install R2 Mod Manager:
    • Obtain the R2 Mod Manager from the official source and follow the installation instructions.
    • Download TheAllHusher through R2 Mod Manager
  2. Launch Valheim:
    • Start the game to allow it to generate the necessary configuration files.
  3. Edit Configuration in R2 Mod Manager:
    • Open R2 Mod Manager.
    • Find mod config in the Config-Editor section and navigate to the configuration section.
    • Adjust the settings as you see fit for a user-friendly configuration experience.
  4. Save Changes: Ensure you save any changes made within the R2 Mod Manager.

Note: Some configuration options might require a server restart to activate properly.

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