A fresh new look for Valheim1.3.11 - Tooltip Improvements
- Added a Default Complex Tooltip to ensure a tooltip is always available.
Changelog History (click to expand)
1.3.10 - Updates for 0.217.30
- Fixed Tooltip issue when Augmenting or Crafting in EpicLoot
- Fixed Connected Players Dialogue
- Reduced Font in Crafting Bench Recipe List
- Updated for Valheim 0.217.30
1.3.8/1.3.9 - Various Updates
- Fixing RenderScale Setting to actually work.
- Fixed Password Dialog and Reactivated it
- Updated Settings to allow External Modification
- Updated Tooltips to allowing showing of external customized data.
- Updated Repair Icon for external expansion.
- Now Compatible with KG's Valheim Enchantment System
- 1.3.9 - Removes Debug Output
1.3.7 - Disabled Auga Password
- Hotfix to disable the Auga Password Box
1.3.6 - Updated for Valheim 0.217.28
- Auga now Supports Jewelcrafting.
- The following features of Jewelcrafting are currently not implemented:
- Item Socketing on the Gemcutter's Table.
- Tooltips for Socketed Items show as the vanilla tooltip, not the Auga Tooltip.
- These will be implemented in the near-term future updates.
- The following features of Jewelcrafting are currently not implemented:
- Auga now Supports Jewelcrafting.
- Updated for Valheim 0.217.17 and 0.217.28.
- Updated Unity to 2022.3.12!
- Fixed text visibility issues in the Settings Window with respect to non-Latin languages.
- Fixed the Settings Drop Down for Language and Resolution to FINALLY work appropriately.
- Adding the Darken Background back to provide the shadowing
- This also addresses mods that were keying off of the Darken gameobject for backwards compatibility.
1.3.5 - Refactored for Valheim 0.217.24 Update Part 6
- Comfy's Chatter UI Immersion
- Chatter Buttons Now Show as Auga Buttons
- Status Effects Auto-Hide to prevent overlapping of Chat Box when chatting.
- Completely Rebuilt Auga Build Menu
- Applies Auga theme to Sears Catalog
- Comfy's Chatter UI Immersion
- Fixed a repeating error on Death in the BarberController.
- Fixed an issue where text could overlap in upgrade menu
- Fixing Build Menu Categories with JVL and Hammer Tooling
1.3.4 - Refactored for Valheim 0.217.24 Update Part 5
- Refactored Auga to allow Vanilla Status effects to be added
- I have re-enabled the Status Effect Template and Status Effect Root
- Mods can now utilize these fields from the HUD.
- This has allowed Valheim Legends to be compatible and fully functional with Auga
- There is now a moveable window in Auga for Ability Buttons and Other Status effects in addition to the normal Status Effects List.
- Defaults Ability Buttons position to just to the left of the Minimal Statuses under the map.
- Will always stack vertically.
- Defaults Ability Buttons position to just to the left of the Minimal Statuses under the map.
- I have re-enabled the Status Effect Template and Status Effect Root
- Refactored Barber UI for a better look.
- Refactored Auga to allow Vanilla Status effects to be added
1.3.3 - Refactored for Valheim 0.217.24 Update Part 4
- Added Auga UI for Barber Station
- Adjusted Compatibility to re-enable SkillsDialog so that other mods can hook in to adjust skills as needed.
- This is the second half to the change in EpicLoot to allow EpicLoot to send Skill Bonus information to the Auga UI.
- Compendium Weakness Updates Wrong
- Vegetation Settings were stopping at MEDIUM
- Build Menu adjusted to ensure JVL does not complain
1.3.2 - Refactored for Valheim 0.217.24 Update Part 3
- Updating Shop Buy Text Button
- Updating Text Input for Signs and Portals to Function
- Updating a AugaTextsDialogeLore Error when in Compendium
1.3.1 - Refactored for Valheim 0.217.24 Update Part 2
- Updating Sleep Text to TMP Text
1.3.0 - Refactored for Valheim 0.217.24 Update
- Passive Powers compatibility added to Auga
- Compendium Weakness Updates Wrong (pre-existing bug)
- EpicLoot +Weapon Skills aren't represented in Auga Skills Window (actual increase still applies) (pre-exisitng bug)
- Mods that add Categories to Build Hud Cause Errors (pre-existing bug - due to a change in JVL)
- Low priority, disable Auga Build Menu (in config) or Use Sears Catalog until fixed.
- No Barber Station Auga UI (uses Vanilla UI)
- No Current Players Auga UI (uses Vanilla UI)
- Console Crashing
- Fields Updated for TMP to allow loading
- Rune Text Animation Display Not Working
- Settings Errors out Hard
- Compendium Left Scroll Alignment issue
- Crafting Label Changes to "Label" when crafting
- EpicLoot Error when viewing Enchanting Table in Auga
- On Dedicated Servers, No Players Option (untested as to whether this will error)
- MessageHud Causes null reference exception when unlocking known texts.
- Auga's Build Menu updated, refactored, and working
- Adjust Text values on Two Buttons and 4 Labels in Settings
- Crafting Stats not Showing Up
- Reclaim N Recycle Title overlapping
- Trader Menu causing errors, not showing items.
- Adding appropriate Dependency Checks to that Mod Detection actually works.
- Fixing a logic error where it wasn't respecting the priority of Chatter and Sears Catalog correctly
- This will provide the priority.
- Fixed Password Dialogue Box
- Fixed Console Issue
- Fixed Chat Input positioning issue
- Removed Blackbox from under Keybind in Hover Text's
- Added Support for Comfy's Chatter Mod
- Added Additional Support for Comfy's Sears Catalog
- Hildir's Request 0.217.14 Update
- Known Issue: The chat input box is in the middle of the box. Minor issue. Not game breaking.
- Fixed the TextMeshPro Blurry Fonts (thanks to Azumatt).
- Put NPC Text back into a smaller box so that the text wraps appropriately.
- Fixed Outline around Biome Name
- Password dialogue now hides password.
- Auga API has been updated to allow TooltipTextBox AddLine to overwrite instead of add.
- Fixed (again) Enemy Nameplates to be clear.
- Added Outlines on some HUD TMP Text boxes that were missing
- Fixing Password, Portal, Signs, and Tamable Inputs
- Removed some left over debugging
- Mini-map pins were not working.
- Now have mini-map pins working.
- Chat Window text now wraps
- NPC Dialog now wraps
- Updates Valheim 0.216.9
- Adds in additional fonts to hopfully fix blurry text on unit frames.
- Hotfix for Blurry Text
- Added in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and other languages to fonts.
- This should now make most languages appear correctly.
- If you are still seeing boxes, please report that to the Discord.
- Build Menu has been rebuilt to work with other mods that add hammers/categories.
- Any mod using Jotunn 2.11.4 or higher to add categories will now work in build menu
- This includes Odin Architect and ValheimRaft to name a few.
- Added in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and other languages to fonts.
- This should now make most languages appear correctly.
- If you are still seeing boxes, please report that to the Discord.
- Fixes random loading issues with camera and UI lock out.
- Completely redesigned how StoreGui is attached to Auga.
- Better Trader and Knarr the Trader both now work together
- Better Trader now loads fully, and has been tested for compatibilty.
- Knarr the Trader compatibility has been set.
- Known Issue: Both Knarr and Better Trader currently don't work at the same time with Auga
- Additional tweaks to Build Menu Controller in order to support Jotunn and HammerTime Compatibility
- Build Menu now respects other mods changes to Categories
- Build menu now has pagination of categories when needed.
- Repair Icon is now activated and visible when in Debug/No Cost mode.
- Store Gui has been reconfigured to allow other mods to utilize the Store/Trader
- All Inventories now display Quality Diamond Correctly.
- Updating Map to show Pin Labels
- Updating Minimap Biome Label
- Updating Inventory to load item Quality Diamond correctly.
- Updating TextInput dialog boxes and providing Cancel and OK buttons
- Added Build Menu Toggle Configuration setting for turning off the Auga Build Menu
- This is for mod compatibility where otherwise the build menu would break
- Setting requires a game relog/restart.
- Fixed Chat Box
- Fixed resolution settings from resetting everytime settings are changed.
- All Player HUD Elements have been activated.
- Build Menu has been restored.
- Minimap has been restored.
- Enemy Hud Restored
- All Features of Auga should now be working.
- Now Compatible with 0.214.300.5 of Valheim (latest branch)
- 1.2.0 was one version behind and the latest version changed a field name breaking the Compendium.
- All Menu's, Compendium, Settings, Inventory, and Crafting Interactions SHOULD be working without error.
- All HUD Elements, like status bars, have been disabled, and the vanilla versions should be displayed.
- This is temporary as we update the rest of the mod.
- Initial Compatibility for Valheim 0.214.300 Update
- All Menu's, Compendium, Settings, Inventory, and Crafting Interactions SHOULD be working without error.
- All HUD Elements, like status bars, have been disabled, and the vanilla versions should be displayed.
- This is temporary as we update the rest of the mod.
- Adding in DiamondButton to Asset Bundle
- Fixing Compendium Scroll Bar so that it will scroll all entries.
- Hotfix for new settings from new Valheim version
- Fix for store item tooltips
- Fixed an issue with Lore Compendium not populating
- Build Hud, Selected Piece, Top Left Message, Center Message, and Chat are all movable
- Eitr stats correctly visible in tooltips
- Upgrade item icon correctly displays on the crafting panel
- Added two new loading screen art pieces from the official Valheim press kit
- Minor scrollbar fixes in Compendium and Crafting panel
- Fixed animating pause menu buttons
- All HUD elements are now freely movable and scalable, use the config
- Health bars are customizable: fixed size, text position, text display options
- Updated for Mistlands!
- Mistlands specific UI and tooltips added
- Compatibility with Simple Recycling Fixed by remmiz
- Temporary fix for Valheim v0.211 - disabled auga in main menu until I have time to build the new save management menus
- Settings menu fixed
- Hotfix for Valheim v0.209.8
- Hotfix for Valheim v0.208.1
- Fixed bugs with ZInput preventing Auga from running with the new Valheim update
- Restored the vanilla logo in the main menu
- Added support for MultiCraft!
- Fixed Minimap/Map
- Fixed Settings
- Fixed issue with custom build menus (Odin's Architect, Clutter, Buildit, Planit)
- Added ComplexTooltip callback to crafting menu
- Updated API with callbacks for food, status effect, and skill tooltips as well
- Fixed issue with tower shield tooltips
- Fixed cartography table map issue
- Fixed various screen alignment/resolution issues
- Reupload with correct files
- Fixed build HUD selector
- Fixed some screen alignment/resolution issues
- Hooked up Last IP Joined
- Updated for H&H
- Implemented Auga-style Stagger Bar
- BetterTrader bugfix
- Extended Item Data Framework compatibility (please update EIDF to 1.0.8)
- Added BuildExpansion-like support
- Fixed white square on store buy button
- Added support for more skills on the skills page
- Added trash support (like TrashItems), enable it in the config
- Fixed overlapping names and health bars for enemies when using CLLC
- Valheim+ Compatibility