Changes the color of the light emitted by the Dverger circlet to white. Adds several beam width options, and a pool of radiance (point light) option.Improved Dverger Circlet
by RandyKnapp
Source: Github Discord: RandyKnapp's Mod Community Patreon: Randy's Patreon
Changes the color of the light emitted by the Dverger circlet to white. Adds several beam width options, and a pool of radiance (point light) option.
Press "[" (left bracket) to narrow the beam and "]" (right bracket) to widen the beam. At maximum width, the beam turns into a point light centered on the player. Hotkeys, beam color, and beam values are all configurable.
Install with BepInEx Copy the ImprovedDvergerCirclet.dll file in the "files" folder to your BepInEx plugins folder.