Shawesome's Infinite Multiverse

Adds the legendary 7 dragon balls. Once all have been gathered you will be able to "wish for" weapons/ armor/ capes/ powers/ etc etc... (the recipes will become known upon gathering the last ball) there's a 10% chance the balls will drop from each boss- each boss drops a particular ball so beat all the bosses -


I have split up the Divine armaments mod - this is the half that has the not-so-valheim themed items.

Mythical Coding by Meldurson [click image to support]


About Me


I'm just a fledgling modster so please be patient for new items and such. I'm a new parent also so free time for me is truly a commodity! I have been allocating any spare time, when not being the BEST Dad and Hubby ever, to learn the process of modding valheim because cheatmode is not OP enough for me. I dare to tread the mythical realm of the Modding Gods!

If you enjoy the mod and would like to see more content please consider, if you feel so inclined, buying me a snack on Ko-fi to help me on my quest, Nom Nom Nom!

I plan to balance Everything, EVENTUALLY, I Promise! (Stats & Recipies) SHADERS FIXED!!! THANK YOU GRAVBEAR!

For now this is what we are working with ^.^

New! in V2.1.0 Works with the latest BogWitch patch

*Some sound bites added to some things

*updates to flying controls for batwing -once at fast enough boat speed hold spacebar to take flight- now with tilt nose down button (left ctrl)and special manuever (hold left shift + spacebar)flying at speed 3 is the casual speed cap- if you drop to speed 1 or 2 you can exceed the speed cap as long as you can handle it...

*fixed some stuff.. read log.

Items already in the Mod

*Kaiba Combo (weapon) ID: KaibaHandygo

*Ancientstoneoflegend (mount for Blue-Eyes) ID: Ancientstoneoflegend

*Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (creature) ID: ShawUltimateDragon

*Bat-Wagon (drivable version!)ID: shawbatcart

*Bat-Grap (Grappling Hook) ID: shawbathook

*Pyro Batarang ID: shawbatarangfire

*Cryo Batarang ID: shawbatarangIce

*Titus - Divine Valkyrie Pyreneese - Battle Buddy - (Mountable/Arcanium Armored/Flying/Land/Sea)- ID: TitusAndronicusGodShaw

*Titus Saddle - ID: godogtoy

*Himfayvret Toy -(summons Titus) ID: godogtoy4

*Gundam Exia - Allied Mobile Suit - ID: sGundamExia

*Exia Saddle -(yes you can pilot the gundams!!! :D ) ID: ExiaCore

*Gundam Barbatos - Allied Mobile Suit - ID: sGundamBarbatos

*Barbatos Saddle - ID: BarbatosCore

*Surtur - Enemy Boss - (spawns surtlings) - ID: shawesomesurtrboss

*Warp Infused Gungnir - Spear - ID: Warpreilcgungnir

*Enma - Sword - ID: zbladeenma

*Sandai Kitetsu - Sword - ID: SandaiKitetsu

*Wado Ichimonji - Helm - ID: mossheadhelm

*revealed item_ID's

*Fallen Valkyrie Greaves - Armor legs - ID: blackvalklegs

*Fallen Valkyrie Cuirass - armor Chest - ID: blackvalkchest

*Fallen Valkyrie Helm - Armor Head - ID: blackvalkhead

Batwing MK 4 - Boat/aircraft - Can achieve lift (hold spacebar) if you're moving fast enough - never fly without a chute - pro tip hold spacebar when turning for smoother movement. ID: Skidbladnir

*Hyōrinmaru - Sword - Ice ID: hyorenmaru

*Katen Kyokotsu - Sword - Dark ID: KatenKyokotsu

*Nozarashi - Sword - Fire ID: Nozarashi

*Senbonzakura - Sword - Spirit ID: Senbonzakura

*Zangetsu - Sword - Spirit ID: Zhangetsu

*Shin Tensa Zangetsu - Sword - Spirit ID: shwsmbigzang

*Shihakushō - Cape ID: ShunsuiCape

*Seal of Shukaku - Cape ID: SanDemonShukaku

*Shukaku's Grasp - Chakra Weapon ID: ilyseirrafaawadanh

*Multi-Shadow Rasen Shuriken - Chakra Weapon ID: KageBunshinnoJutsu

*Saiyan Pod - Glider ID: Spheredsss

*Millennium Puzzle - Utility ID: PharoahSoulAtem

*Duel Disk - Shield ID: IT2Duel

*Heart of the Cards - Sword ID: GodlyHandygo

*SSJ5 Ultra Instinct - Utility (yes the legends are true) ID: SSJ5Fusion

"...Cause controlled flight is OVERRATED its all about falling with style..."

Nimbus - Glider ID: TurtleHermitQloud

*SSJ2 Transformation (Utility Item) ID: Itsover9000

*Ki Blast / Kamehameha - Fire ID: Kiblastkam

*Big Bang Kamehameha x 100 / Spirit Bomb - Lightening ID: bbkmhmhsb

*Senzu - Consumable ID: DatGoodSHT

*Dragonballs 1-7 - Crafting Items ID: AlphaSun, BetaSun, GammaSun, DeltaSun, EpsilonSun, ZetaSun, EtaSun


Reach out to me via Valheimians or You can usually find me lounging in Dhakhar's Forge World spoiling a few of the details of the latest updates to the mod and basking in the secrets of Jere's Infinity Hammer.


  • Valheim
  • BepInEx
  • Jotunn

Special Thanks

  • My Wife and child! Their Love is a Hell of a Drug!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

  • Meldurson for the Outrageous amount of patience and invaluable time you invested in teaching me how to read/write the code and so much more! It is no exaggeration to say this Mod too would not exisit without you!! Truly Grateful Great Sir!!!!

  • Dhakhar for his God Tier creativity and motivation! Basically running 100 departments on his own what an absolute Living LEGEND! It's Great to be on a team with you both!!! Eternally Grateful!

  • GraveBear for teaching me how to get rid of the shader erros and MAjor thank you fo rthe help with custom creatures!!!! You're a Legend!

  • Rusty for help with making things work properly like the Gundams/Surtr going into the water! Thank you Great Sir!

  • CookieMilk for providing some awesome unity assets/effects! You also helped to create the blue eyes!!! XD Thank you!

  • [Valheim Developers] for creating all the original assets for us to mess with :] Long Live Valheim!!!!

  • [Sir_Parry_Alot] For being the first to request a commish! (1st 3 Naruto Anime items!)

  • Changelog

Date Version Notes
01/19/2025 2.1.0 small update to icons of mounted creatures. (no longer showing lox icon for all of them lol)
01/06/2025 2.0.10 updates to more colliders... nothing major.
01/04/2025 2.0.8 updates to batmobile driving sounds and some hitboxes/colliders for a few other things...
11/17/2024 2.0.7 updated some way a few things work... super small update, making sure everything is working good with BW update :D
10/23/2024 2.0.6 ready for bogwitch patch. new yugioh stuff. some effects upgraded on some items...keeping eyes open for any issues...
10/23/2024 2.0.5 updated vfx on some weapons, shader errors fixed (except custom player shader sorry working on a fix for that one in particular soon!) no more spamming errors from using batwing or batmobile! XD yay! improoved handling on the batmobile also.(still working towards perfection)
08/19/2024 2.0.4 fixed some shader issues for somethings and batwing is no longer destroyed on build/spawn (yikes sorry about that...)
08/04/2024 2.0.3 fixed gundams/surtr going into water causing red errors XD Thanks Rusty!
05/21/2024 2.0.2 added more batman stuff, drivable cart, more manuvurability with batwing, nerfed weapons durability (dmg coming next update) - made 7th dragonball drop from fader
03/25/2024 2.0.0 start of custom creature creation! added one piece weapons, updated destruction vfx and impact vfx of gundam and batwing (might stil be a few shaders to fix)Added gundams, surtur and Titus with removable armored saddle.
02/28/2024 1.0.5 modifications to batwing stats - next patch will have new and balanced weapons!
01/08/2024 1.0.3 fixed issues with crafting recipes not showing the ENTIRE list. revealed item_ID's
12/28/2023 1.0.2 added some bleach stuff :D
11/29/2023 1.0.1 fixed some spelling in some
11/28/2023 1.0.0 split up S.D.A. mod - alpha release of S.I.M.
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