Multiple fantasy themed monsters & bosses for each biome up to Mistlands. Drops loot used for RtDMagic, RtDAdditions & RtDItemsInstructions & Info
WARNING for those with Epilepsy, this mod has some flashy spells, and vfx.
This mod provides Monsters & Bosses to offer progression via RtDItems & RtDMagic.
Localizations in other languages can be added but they must be sent to the RtD Discord in proper format.
Monstrum is a word derived from Latin meaning "monster" or "something strange or unnatural". These beings will invoke fear into their victims. There are 2-3 unique monsters with AOE spells and range spells in each biome, these monsters act as a feature for RtDMagic which will automatically update the recipes upon installation. This also is a feature for RtDItems.