Server-side plugin that will safely shut down your server on a set schedule. Compatible with ServerCharacters.What the mod do?
The mod allows you to set a schedule for restarting your server and turn it off in a way that is convenient for you. It safely disconnects all players and saves the world before stopping the server.
How to launch server again?
If you use hosting services, then it is almost certain that hosting will start your server on its own as soon as it shuts down. If you keep the server on your own computer, you can start the server using a third-party program.
If you use ServerCharacters on your server, the mod can independently start maintenance mode a few minutes before the scheduled restart. Keep in mind that the maintenance time will need to be configured for both mods.
You also can disable shut down option and restart the server with hosting services or your own.
Thanks for contributing
Find me on Discord if you got feature request / bug report / found incompatibility with another mod
- Added chat messages
- Configurable messages format, separated configuration for each target (discord, center screen anounce, chat) 1.1.1
- Fixed compatiblity with new game version
- Fixed redundant logs 1.1.0
- Initial release