
Radial compass that replaces your minimap in the corner of your screen.

Map icons display on the radar when you get close to them.

Designed in conjunction with the ZenMap mod, try them together for a truly immersive experience!

  • Craftable compass item.
  • Integrated daylight tracking ring. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
  • Integrated wind direction ring.
  • Integrated with the ship navigation HUD.
  • Disabled in dungeons, getting lost is fun!
  • Designed to malfunction in the Mistlands and Snowstorms for a more immersive experience.
  • Highly optimized, no performance impact.
  • Automatic removal of death pins when looting tombstone.

NOTE: If you want a minimap this is not the mod for you.

On Foot

Screenshot Land

On Ship

Screenshot Ship

Client / Server Requirements

NOTE: Technically it is not required on the server. However, if it is installed on the server then it will force all clients to have it installed as well. This is to enable two modes of usage:

  1. Dedicated server admins can put the mod on the server to enforce all clients to have the mod installed and sync admin configs.
  2. Trusted friends can agree to run the same mods and connect through a vanilla dedicated server with no enforcement but with locked admin configs.

Client Only

This mod operates entirely client side. That means you can connect to any vanilla server with this mod installed. Other players do not need to have the mod installed.

NOTE: If you host a game session with this mod installed then it will be considered to be installed on the server since your session is the server. Therefor, all clients will be required to have it. If you don't want to require all players to have this mod then you will need to host your game in a dedicated server. You can easily download and run the Valheim Dedicated Server from Steam or host one in the cloud.

Improve Your Experience

CORE Complete

The full collection of all Zen MODS:

  • Radically improved QoL
  • Incredible performance
  • Pre-configured
  • 100% Gamepad support
  • Spectacularly immersive


Sample Config File

## Settings file was created by plugin ZenCompass v1.0.16
## Plugin GUID: ZenDragon.ZenCompass


## [Admin] Reposition the Status Effect icons to make room for the compass.
## Disable this for compatibility with other mods which reposition the Status Effects.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Resposition Status Effects = true

## [Admin] Reposition ship power indicator (sails/rudder icon)
## This mod will position it just to the right of the wheel for easy viewing
## Disable this for compatibility with other mods which reposition the ship power HUD element
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Reposition Ship Power Indicator = true


## [Admin] If true the compass must be crafted before it can be used. False to make it always available.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Craft To Use = true

## [Admin] If true the compass must be equipped before it can be used.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Equip To Use = true

## [Admin] The materials required to craft the compass.
# Setting type: StringList
# Default value: Feathers:1, Flint:4, BoneFragments:2
Materials = Feathers:1, Flint:4, BoneFragments:2

## [Admin] The station required to craft the compass.
# Setting type: String
# Default value: Workbench
# Acceptable values: None, Workbench, Forge, Stonecutter, Cauldron, ArtisanTable, BlackForge, GaldrTable, MeadKetill, FoodPreparationTable
Station = Workbench

## [Admin] The station level required to craft the compass.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 1
# Acceptable value range: From 1 to 5
Station Level = 1

## [Admin] What happens to the compass when the player dies?
# Setting type: DeathRule
# Default value: Tombstone
# Acceptable values: Tombstone, Keep, Destroy
Player Death = Tombstone

[Death Pins]

## [Admin] Death pins will be automatically removed from the map & compass after looting the tombstone
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Auto Remove Death Pin = true

## Normally you don't need this key. However, if you were away and someone looted your tombstone
## while your character was not there then it is possible that your Death Pin would persist even
## though the tombstone was gone. In that scenario you can stand near your pin and press this key
## to manually cleanup your map & compass.
## NOTE: The ZenMap mod automatically tracks and removes death pins reliably 100% of the time
## even if you are far away or offline and someone else loots your tombstone it will still work.
# Setting type: KeyCode
# Default value: Delete
# Acceptable values: None, Backspace, Tab, Clear, Return, Pause, Escape, Space, Exclaim, DoubleQuote, Hash, Dollar, Percent, Ampersand, Quote, LeftParen, RightParen, Asterisk, Plus, Comma, Minus, Period, Slash, Alpha0, Alpha1, Alpha2, Alpha3, Alpha4, Alpha5, Alpha6, Alpha7, Alpha8, Alpha9, Colon, Semicolon, Less, Equals, Greater, Question, At, LeftBracket, Backslash, RightBracket, Caret, Underscore, BackQuote, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, LeftCurlyBracket, Pipe, RightCurlyBracket, Tilde, Delete, Keypad0, Keypad1, Keypad2, Keypad3, Keypad4, Keypad5, Keypad6, Keypad7, Keypad8, Keypad9, KeypadPeriod, KeypadDivide, KeypadMultiply, KeypadMinus, KeypadPlus, KeypadEnter, KeypadEquals, UpArrow, DownArrow, RightArrow, LeftArrow, Insert, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, Numlock, CapsLock, ScrollLock, RightShift, LeftShift, RightControl, LeftControl, RightAlt, LeftAlt, RightMeta, RightCommand, RightApple, LeftMeta, LeftCommand, LeftApple, LeftWindows, RightWindows, AltGr, Help, Print, SysReq, Break, Menu, Mouse0, Mouse1, Mouse2, Mouse3, Mouse4, Mouse5, Mouse6, JoystickButton0, JoystickButton1, JoystickButton2, JoystickButton3, JoystickButton4, JoystickButton5, JoystickButton6, JoystickButton7, JoystickButton8, JoystickButton9, JoystickButton10, JoystickButton11, JoystickButton12, JoystickButton13, JoystickButton14, JoystickButton15, JoystickButton16, JoystickButton17, JoystickButton18, JoystickButton19, Joystick1Button0, Joystick1Button1, Joystick1Button2, Joystick1Button3, Joystick1Button4, Joystick1Button5, Joystick1Button6, Joystick1Button7, Joystick1Button8, Joystick1Button9, Joystick1Button10, Joystick1Button11, Joystick1Button12, Joystick1Button13, Joystick1Button14, Joystick1Button15, Joystick1Button16, Joystick1Button17, Joystick1Button18, Joystick1Button19, Joystick2Button0, Joystick2Button1, Joystick2Button2, Joystick2Button3, Joystick2Button4, Joystick2Button5, Joystick2Button6, Joystick2Button7, Joystick2Button8, Joystick2Button9, Joystick2Button10, Joystick2Button11, Joystick2Button12, Joystick2Button13, Joystick2Button14, Joystick2Button15, Joystick2Button16, Joystick2Button17, Joystick2Button18, Joystick2Button19, Joystick3Button0, Joystick3Button1, Joystick3Button2, Joystick3Button3, Joystick3Button4, Joystick3Button5, Joystick3Button6, Joystick3Button7, Joystick3Button8, Joystick3Button9, Joystick3Button10, Joystick3Button11, Joystick3Button12, Joystick3Button13, Joystick3Button14, Joystick3Button15, Joystick3Button16, Joystick3Button17, Joystick3Button18, Joystick3Button19, Joystick4Button0, Joystick4Button1, Joystick4Button2, Joystick4Button3, Joystick4Button4, Joystick4Button5, Joystick4Button6, Joystick4Button7, Joystick4Button8, Joystick4Button9, Joystick4Button10, Joystick4Button11, Joystick4Button12, Joystick4Button13, Joystick4Button14, Joystick4Button15, Joystick4Button16, Joystick4Button17, Joystick4Button18, Joystick4Button19, Joystick5Button0, Joystick5Button1, Joystick5Button2, Joystick5Button3, Joystick5Button4, Joystick5Button5, Joystick5Button6, Joystick5Button7, Joystick5Button8, Joystick5Button9, Joystick5Button10, Joystick5Button11, Joystick5Button12, Joystick5Button13, Joystick5Button14, Joystick5Button15, Joystick5Button16, Joystick5Button17, Joystick5Button18, Joystick5Button19, Joystick6Button0, Joystick6Button1, Joystick6Button2, Joystick6Button3, Joystick6Button4, Joystick6Button5, Joystick6Button6, Joystick6Button7, Joystick6Button8, Joystick6Button9, Joystick6Button10, Joystick6Button11, Joystick6Button12, Joystick6Button13, Joystick6Button14, Joystick6Button15, Joystick6Button16, Joystick6Button17, Joystick6Button18, Joystick6Button19, Joystick7Button0, Joystick7Button1, Joystick7Button2, Joystick7Button3, Joystick7Button4, Joystick7Button5, Joystick7Button6, Joystick7Button7, Joystick7Button8, Joystick7Button9, Joystick7Button10, Joystick7Button11, Joystick7Button12, Joystick7Button13, Joystick7Button14, Joystick7Button15, Joystick7Button16, Joystick7Button17, Joystick7Button18, Joystick7Button19, Joystick8Button0, Joystick8Button1, Joystick8Button2, Joystick8Button3, Joystick8Button4, Joystick8Button5, Joystick8Button6, Joystick8Button7, Joystick8Button8, Joystick8Button9, Joystick8Button10, Joystick8Button11, Joystick8Button12, Joystick8Button13, Joystick8Button14, Joystick8Button15, Joystick8Button16, Joystick8Button17, Joystick8Button18, Joystick8Button19
Key - Force Remove Death Pin = Delete


## [Admin] If true the compass rotates around the player axis such that up is always the direction you are looking.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Rotating Compass = false

## [Admin] Track the time of day with an indicator of the sun on the outer ring of the compass.
## Note: This can be confusing to interpret when used with Rotating Compass enabled at the same time.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Track Time of Day = true

## [Admin] How far to scan for pins, as percentage.  Set to 0 to disable the radar function.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 100
# Acceptable value range: From 0 to 200
Radar Range Percent = 100

## [Admin] Does the compass work inside dungeons?
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Allow In Dungeon = false

## [Admin] If true the compass spins wildly while in the mistlands.  Time of day and wind indicator still works though.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Malfunction In Mistlands = true

## [Admin] If true the compass spins wildly while in a snow storm.  Time of day and wind indicator still works though.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Malfunction In Snow Storm = true

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