
  • UNDO: moved NoCraftNoTeleport back to ZenWorldSettings - oops! Moved it by mistake the first time.


  • moved Structure features from ZenWorldSettings here
  • moved NoCraftNoTeleport features from ZenWorldSettings here
  • Look at the new configs!


  • now hammer must be equipped to switch build rotation segments
  • enable switching build rotation segments via gamepad. (equip hammer and press Alt Button (left trigger by default) + DPadRight)


  • add dedicated Build Menu button. Scans your inventory for your best hammer and equips it. Default key: B, gamepad support coming soon.


  • add config option to disable rotation degree adjustments for admins that don't want that on their servers.


  • automatically hide put away held tools/weapons on player spawn as well as set the hammer to the repair tool by default on spawn.


  • initial release
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