
Fire spreads, and explosives detonate!!!


Containers holding explosive materials (configurable) turn into volatile hazards, detonating when they burn down completely. The radius and damage is derived from amount and stack size of explosives within the container. For each slot in the container that holds explosive material, an explosion is spawned with a damage multiplier calculated by stackSize/maxStackSize. For the base damage, see configuration. Also adds fire spreads mechanics (see dependency to fire spreads mod).


By default, the following materials count as explosives: see configuration

  • Resin
  • SurtlingCore
  • SulfurStone
  • BlackCore
  • MoltenCore


Adds a highly flammable Tinder Barrel, which ignites from the slightest spark or when tossed around.

Tinder Barrel

  • Prefab: bid_piece_flammable_barrel
  • Hammer category: Misc
  • Build costs:
    • Wood: 10
    • BarrelRings: 1
    • Resin: 1

Blast Barrel

  • Prefab: bid_piece_flammable_barreltrap
  • Hammer category: Misc
  • Build costs:
    • Wood: 10
    • BarrelRings: 1
    • Resin: 2


  • Explosives: comma separated list of materials to count as explosives
  • MaxChopDamage: base chop damage - will be multiplied by the damage multiplayer calculated based on the stack size
  • MaxPickaxeDamage: base pickaxe damage - will be multiplied by the damage multiplayer calculated based on the stack size
  • MaxFireDamage: base firedamage - will be multiplied by the damage multiplayer calculated based on the stack size
  • MaxExplosionRange: base explosion radius- will be multiplied by the damage multiplayer calculated based on the stack size
  • MaxHeatWaveRange: an explosion also causes a heat wave not doing damage, but setting all pieces ablaze. This is the base radius of the explosion.
  • TinderBarrelhealth: health of the tinder barrel

FireSpreads Preset

This mod contains a preset configuration for the FireSpreads mod. You can change any of these in the FireSpreads configuration.

  • SpreadFromFireplaces = False : Fire will not spread from fireplaces like fire pits. Set to true for more realism, but watch out your campfires.
  • BurningPiecesDropCoal = BurningMaterials : Combusting pieces will drop their materials set ablaze and despawning after time.
  • BurningContainersDropCoal = BurningMaterials : Combusting containers like chests will drop their materials set ablaze and despawning after time. (change anytime)
  • BurningVegetationDropCoal = BurningWoodOnly : Combusting vegetation will only drop burning wood (to not break progression)


  • BepInEx
  • Jötunn, the Valheim Library
  • FireSpreads

Manual Installation

  • extract the content of the plugins directory into your BepInEx/plugins directory (you may create a new folder within the plugins directory)
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